Eh sorry, I don′t understand. Why shouldn′t you be able to roleplay? If you want to then go for it. Don′t know what to do? Just do whatever you want. That′s the beauty with this game :thumbsup:
Read and you may find some ideas

i have thought a bit and this what i came up with so far
my character ( which i cant remembe his name : /) is a Prophet he was put in the imperial jail for crimes against the church ( the nine gods you know)
for foretelling the future
my char had a great journey so far ( main quest and shivering isles) he seeks to learn all magic that exists
and not long ago he started psychological human researches
the character is scyzhoprenic ( whatever its called) and people call him sick and do not believe his prophecies he wishes to prove them he speaks truth
lately he has the same dream of an important person being murdered
and he knows who is the murderer
its himself..
ill improve it soon but how is it so far?
and what roleplay mods are out there?