DeadLine Date

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:29 am

By that...I mean when are you going to stop playing Oblivion, because Skyrim is coming out?

For me, it will be November 10. I will then go to Walmart the next day and snatch up Skyrim and keep playing it for months to years. I suppose I will eventually revert back to Oblivion. In a similar fashion, I reverted back to Morrowind for 3 moths this past Fall.

Now that I think of it...that will be cool to be able to have a CHOICE of which game to revert to...Oblivion and Morrowind!
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Ian White
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:59 am

I see no reason to stop playing one game because a new game comes out. I still play Morrrowind. Should I have stopped playing Morrowind when Oblivion came out? Do people still play Daggerfall and Arena?

I don't really understand this mindset of "A new game's out! I will cease playing the old game!" This is not directed at you, richardrocket009. We get these threads every time a game comes out and I have never understood it.

I'll continue to play Morrowind and Oblivion as long as I live. To me, these games are great fun. And "fun" does not suddenly end when a new game comes out. *shrugs*
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:23 pm

I will continue playing Oblivion for shure! Fallout New Vegas comes out and i never stop playing Fallout 3 since new vegas, só with Skyrim.... will be the same thing
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Kelly James
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:24 pm

I will stop playing Oblivion wen I die. Same with Morrowind, probably same with Skyrim
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:07 am

I see no reason to stop playing one game because a new game comes out. I still play Morrrowind. Should I have stopped playing Morrowind when Oblivion came out? Do people still play Daggerfall and Arena?

Before Skyrim was announced you could download Daggerfall and Arena from their homepage :user:

EDIT: we need one of these for TES :fallout:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:16 am

I will be playing only Oblivion until at least a year after Skyrim comes out. I will let others work out the bugs and quirks and patches and wiki etc. By then, I figure I will have enough info to consider playing Skyrim.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:53 pm

I second Pseron Wyrd. I doubt I'll ever stop playing Oblivion or Morrowind for any prolonged period of time.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:43 am

I will pause my Oblivion experience whenever TES: V arrives at my house. After some time in the frozen north it will probably feel good to go back to my friends in Cyrodiil and see how they are doing. I don't thhink I will ever stop playing Oblivion. Ever.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:49 pm

I wish I shared the enthusiasim. To me, the yearning to play Oblivion faded after beating the MQ and amost all the sidequests and other factions. It...just got boring, same with the Fallout series.

I'll just play some other game until Skyrim comes out.
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Jon O
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:16 pm

I see no reason to stop playing one game because a new game comes out. I still play Morrrowind. Should I have stopped playing Morrowind when Oblivion came out? Do people still play Daggerfall and Arena?

I don't really understand this mindset of "A new game's out! I will cease playing the old game!" This is not directed at you, richardrocket009. We get these threads every time a game comes out and I have never understood it.

I'll continue to play Morrowind and Oblivion as long as I live. To me, these games are great fun. And "fun" does not suddenly end when a new game comes out. *shrugs*

QFT. Same here. In fact as I posted in another thread I'm working on purchasing a system that will let me run all three games and any and all associated mods.
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:47 am

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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:25 am

I see no reason to stop playing one game because a new game comes out. I still play Morrrowind. Should I have stopped playing Morrowind when Oblivion came out? Do people still play Daggerfall and Arena?

I don't really understand this mindset of "A new game's out! I will cease playing the old game!" This is not directed at you, richardrocket009. We get these threads every time a game comes out and I have never understood it.

I'll continue to play Morrowind and Oblivion as long as I live. To me, these games are great fun. And "fun" does not suddenly end when a new game comes out. *shrugs*

I still play Arena and Daggerfall, specifically Daggerfall, a bit, but I only started in the last year, so I guess that's not saying much, is it? :P Well, it's been almost a year since I started playing Daggerfall, but occasionally, I still do play it. Arena gets played a bit, as well, although to a lesser extent. Having five Elder Scrolls games, especially three of the smaller, more detailed variety, will be great and will definitely keep the games fresh, for me.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:15 am

I didn't phrase myself very well. I should have written: "Don't people still play Daggerfall and Arena?" I was trying (and not succeeding) to use a rhetorical question to express the notion that there are still players out there (like Seti18) who play older games than Oblivion.

I dunno, maybe that doesn't make any sense either. (Sometimes words fail me. Or I fail words.) :)
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:20 pm

Stop playing oblivion? NEVER! :celebration: :obliviongate: :celebration:
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:05 am

I retract my previous post.

I decided to start a pure mage character (who's free-lanced, not a member of the Mage's Guild) and he has the Jemane bros as his companions. His goal? Explore Cyrodill and help the local people he meets. :)
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:36 am

I will be playing right before Skyrim hits the shelves, just to get myself worked up and in the right mood for Skyrim. But once I own it, I don't think I'll ever get back to Oblivion. Of course, the game will still be as good as it is now, so there's no reason in there to stop playing all of a sudden, but the idea is that Skyrim is better than Oblivion, so I expect to enjoy it more. And since the Elder Scrolls games have so much content, I doubt I'll finish any of the 5 games anyway. I've probably only completed 20% of Oblivion, but somehow I always end up playing through the same questlines anyway. I don't suppose I'll find it interesting to get back to that once I have Skyrim.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:30 pm

I first learned about Oblivion and Morrowind from research after playing quite a lot of FO3. I started a vanilla playthrough of Oblivion that lasted hundreds of hours over a period of a couple years without ever completing the main quest. I was blown away by the depth of the world.

I pre-ordered New Vegas and after trying hardcoe mode, I installed 2 very small tweak mods (Harder hardcoe Rates + Expensive Wasteland) that corrected the game play balance issues and my eyes were opened to an entirely new type of "survival" type role playing. What an amazing, challenging and fun experience. My first playthrough lasted 160+ hours, and I made it through with only using fast travel on 2 occasions.

I recently installed a large number of mods for Oblivion, including OBGEv2, ENBSeries Shaders, Tamriel NPCs Revamped, Qarl's Texture Pack III, OOO, FCOM, Francesco's, etc., Real Hunger, Real Thirst, Real Sleep Extended - wow, this is like a whole new game! And it's gorgeous on my laptop connected to an HD projector in my cinema room at 1920x1080 resolution, all detail settings maxed. I feel like I have not truly played Oblivion before now.

I think I will first play vanilla Skyrim when it is released (unless I need to add some eating/drinking/sleeping mod) and that will probably last hundreds of hours. At that point, I will go back and try some of the Skyrim mods which will be released by then, or perhaps try Oblivion or FNV with new quest mods for a bit. New Vegas had a few thousand mods uploaded within the first week. I imagine Skyrim will also have many mods within the first several months.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:42 am

I may give up Oblivion once Skyrim is out. Comparing Morrowind and Oblivon, Morrowind has the better setting and Oblivion has better gameplay mechanics, so I have a reason to play both. But Skryim is looking like it will have both a better setting and better gameplay than Oblivion. And if that's true I won't have much reason to play Oblivion anymore.
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:08 pm

I've never been able to immerse myself in more than one game at the time. When I started playing Oblivion I completely stopped playing Warband. I suspect it'll be the same with Oblivion>Skyrim as I'm expecting Skyrim to be much like Oblivion gameplay wise, and then I wouldn't even need to go back to Oblivion. I won't, however, be picking up Skyrim until all the patches are out and the mod community has built a good amount of mods for it.

Another reason I won't be going back to Oblivion is that it's been a real learning experience for me so far, in terms of mods. I've managed to mess up my game a bit by not completely understanding Wrye bash and OMOD, so this time around I'll be keeping a close eye on the Skyrim boards and try to keep up with the mods that come out. That way I'll hopefully have a really good idea which mods I wan't to install and know how to do it proper so it doesn't mess up the game. I'm too far into my Oblivion game to start it all over from scratch, and I'm still enjoying it even with the little kinks I've managed to work in.

EDIT: Uh, I just noticed I gained a little star in my profile today! Very exciting! =)
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des lynam
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:52 pm

I will be playing only Oblivion until at least a year after Skyrim comes out. I will let others work out the bugs and quirks and patches and wiki etc. By then, I figure I will have enough info to consider playing Skyrim.

Exactly. I did the same thing with Morrowind and Oblivion. GOTY Editions rock!
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megan gleeson
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