» Sat May 28, 2011 12:30 pm
I first learned about Oblivion and Morrowind from research after playing quite a lot of FO3. I started a vanilla playthrough of Oblivion that lasted hundreds of hours over a period of a couple years without ever completing the main quest. I was blown away by the depth of the world.
I pre-ordered New Vegas and after trying hardcoe mode, I installed 2 very small tweak mods (Harder hardcoe Rates + Expensive Wasteland) that corrected the game play balance issues and my eyes were opened to an entirely new type of "survival" type role playing. What an amazing, challenging and fun experience. My first playthrough lasted 160+ hours, and I made it through with only using fast travel on 2 occasions.
I recently installed a large number of mods for Oblivion, including OBGEv2, ENBSeries Shaders, Tamriel NPCs Revamped, Qarl's Texture Pack III, OOO, FCOM, Francesco's, etc., Real Hunger, Real Thirst, Real Sleep Extended - wow, this is like a whole new game! And it's gorgeous on my laptop connected to an HD projector in my cinema room at 1920x1080 resolution, all detail settings maxed. I feel like I have not truly played Oblivion before now.
I think I will first play vanilla Skyrim when it is released (unless I need to add some eating/drinking/sleeping mod) and that will probably last hundreds of hours. At that point, I will go back and try some of the Skyrim mods which will be released by then, or perhaps try Oblivion or FNV with new quest mods for a bit. New Vegas had a few thousand mods uploaded within the first week. I imagine Skyrim will also have many mods within the first several months.