Fallout 3 mod:
New York: like most of America New York was hit by Nukes, but unlike most of America New York couldn’t be evacuated before the bombs fell. As a result nearly all of the population was turned ghoul. Other effects of the heavy nuclear fallout include, a glow in the dark Hudson river, a subway system literally filled with ghouls, and no way off the island save by water.
Super Mutants:
Brotherhood Outcasts:
The Church of Purification: A group of radical idealists, the COP seeks to bring absolute purity to the Metropolitan wasteland. They believe that ghouls are demons brought about by the rapture (the war) and only when all the ghouls have been destroyed will the faithful rise.
Sons of Liberty: Once only a small group of former soldiers banding together to hole up in Soho, the Sons of Liberty have created a small fortress in the heart of New York. From within this small town the Sons of Liberty send make it their mission to stabilize Manhattan island. They are most infamous for having the only town that has an organized law enforcement system. The Sons of Liberty are also well known for utilizing custom made tools for their irradiation of the thousands of feral ghouls, super mutants, and Enclave. Despite the first of these the Sons of Liberty welcome and employ many ghouls within their society.
Seeders: Seeders are found primarily in the lost cathedral, a hidden area where they tend to a small grove of apple trees. It has taken generations of work to build up the small orchard, and now the Seeders teach their young to spread the seeds across the wastelands. Each new Seeder trains in preparation for their solo journey into the wastes, in hopes of returning life to the vast deserts and badlands.
Important areas:
Freedom Tower: The unfinished tower was once going to be a beacon of hope. Now it is a small community of people who pay to have the security and luxury of the once massive structure. The Freedom Tower
Elis Island: Elis Island was once the home to the statue of liberty. It was a place for imigrants to come to New York and start their lives as Americans. Now it is the home of the Loyalists. Loyalists are the remnants of the Enclave and have been trying to retake New York for nearly fifty years. Their ongoing fight with the Super Mutants, Raiders, and the Brotherhood Outcasts, has destroyed many of the once great sights famous in New York.
Brooklyn Bridge
Chrysler building ruins
Soho: Once a simple residential area, Soho has been transformed into a fortress. Within is the Sons of Liberty, a group of men and woman who are responsible for the fortification of the area as well as frequent raids into the heart of the city to clear out more feral ghouls. Despite the COP’s frequent use of their weapons, soldiers, and technology The Sons of Liberty have a very open arms approach to ghouls. Their only rules are that everyone works, everyone fights, and everyone obeys the law. Soho is one of the few areas that has an organized law enforcement force in place.
South side crater: At the hieght of the war bombs were falling in New York by the hundreds. But one didn’t air detonate. It plowed down through the subways and the serwers before finally igniting. The resulting blast up heaved several thousand tons of earth and buildings, creating a massive crater on the south end of Manhattan island. This crater is now all but uninhabitable to every thing but Super Mutants, and ghouls.
Manhattan park
New York Subway yard:
Fort George
Hidden Cathedral: Once a place of worship, it is now the home to the Seeders. A small group of families who have banded together to eek out a living in the wastelands. They welcome newcomers who take up the work. The original founders began the settlement with a single tree, hence their name. They train their offspring to find new places to spread the seeds of life.
Hoboken NJ
Dried Riverbed
Special weapons
SOL SIR: the Sons of Liberty’s Standard Infantry Weapon is a light semi-automatic firearm that was specifically designed for combating ghouls. It is a modified version of the enfield L85. It is short and rugged. More importantly though it fires the PIE, sometimes called the cherry pie, round. This unique ordinance is filled with combustible materials, that ignite the target on impact. Dmg: 45. Ammo: 7.62 PIE. Capacity: 15. Other: Critical hits cripple targeted limb; -5 hp/s
SOL SAAR: Standard Anti-Armor Rifle. The Son’s of Liberty were originally outfitted to handle raiders, Super Mutants, and ghouls, but the Enclave, Loyalist division, have begun to try to retake New York. Their purity policies do not mesh well with the SOL’s policies. To solve this the SOL has created the SAAR. This weapon is modeled after the SABR. It has a long barrel and is bolt action. The weapon fires a Sabot uranium dart. This dart, while small, packs a great deal of power. Dmg: 80. Ammo: 30-06 Sabot. Capacity: 6. Other: critical hit deals double damage to armor, and knocks target down.
E-Tool: The Entrenchment Tool was once just a simple shovel. It has since been used as a lethal close combat weapon. It is lightweight, sturdy, and above all a deadly weapon against soft targets. The E-Tool is unique in that it can hit multiple targets with a single swing. Dmg: 32. Speed: fast. Other: damage is halved when used against an armored target.
Rail Cannon: Once used as a mounted Anti Aircraft gun the RC has been modified to be used as a shoulder mounted weapon. This weapon uses powerful magnets to accelerate a small uranium dart to hypersonic speeds. When the projectile hits it can obliterate nearly any target. The RC requires two types of ammo to be loaded independently: the dart from a SAAR, and electron charge pack to power the magnets.
Double rifle: common in the New York City area because they were cheap, and easy to maintain, these over under rifles pack a powerful punch. The only draw back to these weapons is that they only carry two rounds. Dmg: 50. Ammo: .600. Capacity: 2.
10mm Pistol: a very common weapon, one in three inhabitants of the wasteland carry one of these, or another 10mm weapon. There are three models of this gun, a hunting pistol, which has a stock, a longer barrel, and a shorter magazine. There is also an automatic version which can fire a small volley of 10mm rounds, though it is very inaccurate. Lastly there is the standard pistol which is not very powerful but very sturdy. Dmg: 12. Ammo: 10mm. Capacity: 12
Pump action shotgun: shot guns are common in the NYC area. They were favored by biker gangs, and bar owners because of their short barrel length. Dmg: 25. Ammo: 20 guage. Capacity: 5.
Machete: A basic blade that does little damage but is common and easily repaired.
.44 Submachine gun: the 45 submachine gun is not as common as the 10mm, but is much more powerful, and very sturdy. The only reason any can be found in New York at all is because a freighter was carrying a full load of them over when the bombs began to fall. The plane crashed and scattered nearly a thousand of the weapons in varying states of conditions. These weapons are very sturdy and have weathered the 200 years incredibly well.
Bow: While simple, and typically less than lethal to most enemies, the bow offers something very useful. Ammo can be retrieved from the dead. Like Melee weapons the bow’s damage is reliant on strength. Bows can be semi difficult to find, and arrows even more so. Dmg: 20 Ammo: Arrow Capacity: 1
Special apparel:
BPS: the SOL Bite Prevention Suit is ideal against ghouls, as it can stop, biting teeth, and flesh rending claws. It is also very proficient at stopping knifes, swords, and other cutting weapons. What the BPS does not protect against is impacts, such as bullets and blunt objects. The BPS is very comfortable, provides radiation protection, and allows for easy maneuverability. DR: 25. Other against cutting weapons DR is 50. Sneak: +10, small guns: +15.
Prototype Liberty Combat Armor: the PLCA is an advanced suit the SOL have created in order to further their efforts against the Enclaves. This suit is a form of power armor though it is much lighter, both in terms of weight and protection, than similar suits worn by BOS, and the Enclave. It increases agility, endurance, and strength, but does not provide as much protection as other power armors. The PLCA is based on the BPS but has basic exoskeleton leg and arm braces which increase speed, jumping height, and arm dexterity. DR 30. Agility: +1, Strength: +1, Endurance: +1
Seeder’s Jacket: A simple outfit that offers adequate protection from the elements and moderate protection against weapons. This consists of a lightweight jacket, a Shamagh, an undershirt, and some cargo pants. All in all this outfit is for ease of movement, not protection. +5 sneak, +1 perception.
Special perks:
Force multiplied: when unarmed, and in V.A.T.S. use this ability to block the next oncoming attack from a melee weapon, or unarmed weapon. Critical hits disarm opponent.
Unique items:
Steel cutter: A custom weapon that was made from a powerful alloy. This blade is strong light and razor sharp. In addition the shape of the blade allow it to chop through flesh with startling ease. Can be repaired with machetes. Dmg: 50. Speed: very fast.
Browning hi-power: this weapon was once used to liberate France from Germany. It fires the somewhat uncommon .44 magnum, and holds 13 rounds. But the hi-power is very powerful, and can deal serious damage.