I worked hard going through every post with an idea all the way back to the start of the forum. So please give these posters your thoughts on their ideas. I think they are the most viable and "easy" to implement into skyrim even this far in. Some of their post are a little long so don't be afraid to skim those.
Here in norway we sometimes have wonderful northern lights dancing in the night sky, it is so unbelivable beautiful! To se them dancing over the mountain tops in Skyrim would add so much feeling and mystic into the game. Atleast that's what I feel. I have only seen northen lights twice here in norway, and far to the north in norway that is. And I tell you, its nothing like it :woot:
Now that,
If you haven't seen Havok yet, I highly recommend checking out the demos. Very cool stuff.
Look for the Havok Cloth demo with the ballerinas to see what I'm talking about in this thread.
Here's a better sample of Havok Cloth in action. Thanks to Cipher 8 for posting the link below.
If you haven't seen Havok yet, I highly recommend checking out the demos. Very cool stuff.
Look for the Havok Cloth demo with the ballerinas to see what I'm talking about in this thread.
Here's a better sample of Havok Cloth in action. Thanks to Cipher 8 for posting the link below.
Now, I've been thinking for a while that it would be neat if holidays could be included in Skyrim. Given the unveiled Havok Behaviour engine that is being used, holidays could be pulled off with unprecedented brilliance. For example, New Life Festival - NPC behaviour changes so they stop attending work for the day, and congregate in and around the taverns. After all, the booze is free. At this point, Havok Behaviour scripting for recreation takes over for the duration.
South Wind's Prayer - Temples offer free healing, which could lead to NPCs flocking to shrines and temples and religious facilities when they're not otherwise occupied. Heart's Day, when Inns offer free beds for the night. This would enable travelling / merchant NPCs to congregate in and around Inns, and allow the player free boarding. Jester's Day - I'm envisioning a lot of bewitched / naked Nords wandering around. My final example would be Merchants's Festival, in which all shops save Mages Guild / equivalents would offer sale reductions. NPCs could cluster in the shops, and stock could maybe 'sell out' by a preset time of the day.
These are just a few examples of generic holidays that are celebrated all over Tamriel. Skyrim specific celebrations could also created, in order to lend atmosphere to the local setting and culture. I'm sure there must be some Skyrim and Nord specific holidays somewhere. At any rate, for a list of generic Tamerilic holidays, as well as the holidays of the provinces of Hammerfall, High Rock and other regional settlements,
Personally, I am in favour of such things being implemented, and believe it could give a real sense of immersion. For example, players may actually pay attention to the calendar, in order to track the passage of days. Currently the calendar is a mostly ignored gimmick, which isn't overly important. These festivals would lend depth to the game culture, as well as provide benefits to the player on specific days. Perhaps fliers (seasonal equivalent of the Black Horse Courier, maybe?) or rumours could be implemented in the week-long run up to the holiday to let the player know of their proximity. The newspaper would be more practical, with maybe a generic dialogue option stating, "Oh, I am looking forward to the holiday. It's always good every year."
South Wind's Prayer - Temples offer free healing, which could lead to NPCs flocking to shrines and temples and religious facilities when they're not otherwise occupied. Heart's Day, when Inns offer free beds for the night. This would enable travelling / merchant NPCs to congregate in and around Inns, and allow the player free boarding. Jester's Day - I'm envisioning a lot of bewitched / naked Nords wandering around. My final example would be Merchants's Festival, in which all shops save Mages Guild / equivalents would offer sale reductions. NPCs could cluster in the shops, and stock could maybe 'sell out' by a preset time of the day.
These are just a few examples of generic holidays that are celebrated all over Tamriel. Skyrim specific celebrations could also created, in order to lend atmosphere to the local setting and culture. I'm sure there must be some Skyrim and Nord specific holidays somewhere. At any rate, for a list of generic Tamerilic holidays, as well as the holidays of the provinces of Hammerfall, High Rock and other regional settlements,
Personally, I am in favour of such things being implemented, and believe it could give a real sense of immersion. For example, players may actually pay attention to the calendar, in order to track the passage of days. Currently the calendar is a mostly ignored gimmick, which isn't overly important. These festivals would lend depth to the game culture, as well as provide benefits to the player on specific days. Perhaps fliers (seasonal equivalent of the Black Horse Courier, maybe?) or rumours could be implemented in the week-long run up to the holiday to let the player know of their proximity. The newspaper would be more practical, with maybe a generic dialogue option stating, "Oh, I am looking forward to the holiday. It's always good every year."§ion=post&do=reply_post&f=118&t=1158084&qpid=16971832
Something I missed in past games are realistic eco systems that include prey. It seems the only prey in Vvardenfell and Cyrodiil are kwama, guars, mudcrabs, deer, horses and a few more. And the predators only hunt down humans for some reason... There should be so many more, like squirrels, birds, a few fish species that DON'T kill you and maybe even insects if Beth are willing to go that far. But that's not important, the main thing is that there can't possibly exist 10 different predators every hundred meter. It makes the game feel somewhat cheap. Make the encounters a little less common and more exciting, while you can still see prey animals roaming around. Imagine you're wandering in the snowy pine forest. You see a squirrel running up a tree as you walk the trail. Later on (maybe 100 meters down the road) you can see a group of elks walk around among the trees. All of a sudden, one of those elks gets attacked by a troll, and another fight unveils. There can be dense monster zones as well, but they shouldn't be evenly scattered. Hunting grounds for different predators would be great. If you want to level up, go into a cave or to a place where the trolls (if ou want to hunt trolls, that is) usually hunt.
About hunting - you shouldn't be able to chase after a deer, wolf (all wolves shouldn't attack you, perhaps only when they're in packs) or a squirrel as they are way too fast. Instead you could perhaps set up traps or use your bow and arrow. Also, fishing would be great.
Predator or not, it'd be really cool to be able to stuff dragon heads and make wolf pelts that you can use as furniture in your house. There has been a few discussions on this on the unofficial forums, I just wanted to shed some light on it here as well
So what do you think? Do you want every single bloodthirsty being to appear behind every stone, chasing you down whenever you go into the forest, or would you rather have a more dynamic and realistic world? Will this make the game get less appealing to the casual audience, unpatient as it may be?
About hunting - you shouldn't be able to chase after a deer, wolf (all wolves shouldn't attack you, perhaps only when they're in packs) or a squirrel as they are way too fast. Instead you could perhaps set up traps or use your bow and arrow. Also, fishing would be great.
Predator or not, it'd be really cool to be able to stuff dragon heads and make wolf pelts that you can use as furniture in your house. There has been a few discussions on this on the unofficial forums, I just wanted to shed some light on it here as well

So what do you think? Do you want every single bloodthirsty being to appear behind every stone, chasing you down whenever you go into the forest, or would you rather have a more dynamic and realistic world? Will this make the game get less appealing to the casual audience, unpatient as it may be?
From what we've seen, NPCs will react accordingly to how their disposition is towards you. However, what concerns me is how individuals and guards will react to you as well by either intentional theft (eg robbing someone of an item) or accidental (eg interacting with an object via moving or knocking it). In Oblivion crimes followed you everywhere, and even the smallest of crimes could send you straight to the cells. However, someone brought up a really good idea (surprisingly enough from /v/, I take no credit for this idea) and with his blessing I'm posting it here for more feedback and ideas.
"Alright, here's how you fix theft/crimes:
Let's say you walk into a house and pick up a fork. I'm not saying you take it, you just use the grab button. First, the game checks to see who owns it. In this case, John Doe owns it. Then John Doe has a list attatched to him of all his possessions, which are rated on a scale of 0 - 100 in terms of how much he treasures it. The higher the rating, the bigger the chance he'll approach you and ask you to put the fork down. There is more leniency for a low rated item, but if you pick up his treasured family shield you have about half a second to put it down before he calls the guards.
Now let's say you add the fork to your inventory. If it's a low ranked item he might take it back from you, or even just say keep it if the value and ranking are low enough. However the the higher the rating + value of the item, the greater likely hood he will either attack or summon the guards.
Now then, let's say you stole John Doe's fork. It has a value of 1, but a treasure rating of 85 (it's a prized family fork). John might hunt you down to the ends of the earth looking for his fork, but the guards really don't give a [censored]: it's a fork. Maybe they'll aproach you if you're in the area. Now on the other hand let's say you steal his jeweled amulet. it only has a treasure rating of 60, but a value of 1500 gold. He reports it to the guards and goes back home, but the guards will be looking for you everywhere because you took something of value.
The amount of guards that come after you, how far they're willing to pursue you, and how quickly you're recognized in town depends on the severity of the crime, and the size of the bounty on your head. The NPC you stole from, or even the family/friends of an NPC your murder, will hunt you based on the "treasure value" of the item, or how much they like the NPC you murdered."
To further iterate, you could also have the developers set up common prices among objects in general and only have unique items have the according "treasure value". Pair that with the already existing disposition system, and you've got a good idea of how the world could work.
Also, polled since we all love big, shiny polls.
"Alright, here's how you fix theft/crimes:
Let's say you walk into a house and pick up a fork. I'm not saying you take it, you just use the grab button. First, the game checks to see who owns it. In this case, John Doe owns it. Then John Doe has a list attatched to him of all his possessions, which are rated on a scale of 0 - 100 in terms of how much he treasures it. The higher the rating, the bigger the chance he'll approach you and ask you to put the fork down. There is more leniency for a low rated item, but if you pick up his treasured family shield you have about half a second to put it down before he calls the guards.
Now let's say you add the fork to your inventory. If it's a low ranked item he might take it back from you, or even just say keep it if the value and ranking are low enough. However the the higher the rating + value of the item, the greater likely hood he will either attack or summon the guards.
Now then, let's say you stole John Doe's fork. It has a value of 1, but a treasure rating of 85 (it's a prized family fork). John might hunt you down to the ends of the earth looking for his fork, but the guards really don't give a [censored]: it's a fork. Maybe they'll aproach you if you're in the area. Now on the other hand let's say you steal his jeweled amulet. it only has a treasure rating of 60, but a value of 1500 gold. He reports it to the guards and goes back home, but the guards will be looking for you everywhere because you took something of value.
The amount of guards that come after you, how far they're willing to pursue you, and how quickly you're recognized in town depends on the severity of the crime, and the size of the bounty on your head. The NPC you stole from, or even the family/friends of an NPC your murder, will hunt you based on the "treasure value" of the item, or how much they like the NPC you murdered."
To further iterate, you could also have the developers set up common prices among objects in general and only have unique items have the according "treasure value". Pair that with the already existing disposition system, and you've got a good idea of how the world could work.
Also, polled since we all love big, shiny polls.
We've been told there will be crafting, and I was reading the decorate your house forum then came an idea. If you can make armors and weapons and have weapon holding furniture and a display mannequin that you can put the armor you make and even a weapon on. Then when you have customers they'll come in and buy them, while you can hire an employee to keep the shop for you. But so that it wouldn't be tedious you can put more than one of that type of armor on the mannequin like 59 glass shields even though he'll only display one until they're all sold.