just hoping its not glitchy like the gamebryo engine.
Outside of Oblivion and Fallout 3/NV, there really doesn't seem to be any other game based on gamebryo that is glitchy. Not many people are using it now that they went bankrupt, I wonder if it was their business practices or Bethesda games giving it a bad name? Most of the things that people complain about are not the fault of the engine. Things like physics glitches and ugly faces/facial animation are not controlled by gamebryo. The physics is havok which is used by many others (like valve for example) without issue, the faces are facegen which is used in other games like gears of war and face animation is a separate plugin called facefx. Other things like it's inability to render environment shadows and create functional ladders are present in games that use gamebryo too. I'm not saying it's an awesome 3d engine but it's totally adequate for this console generation. Blame ugly faces on ugly textures and bad facial animation on the animators. Blame the rest of the bugs on the devs. Srsly
The general consensus is that Skyrim is an enhanced Fallout 3 engine. They likely have enough enhancements to call it their own now, but it's still got gamebryo tech in there somewhere. I wouldn't worry about it, lets just hope it's not as buggy