So I've got a really slow processor (duo 1.8ghz) and a mediocre graphics card (NVidia 8600 GT), and I wanted to run the game at ultra high quality without stutter. I soon realized that it was my processor with it's spawning objects and shadows that were making me lag, since Oblivion only runs on one processor, and individually, mine are complete garbage. So I downloaded Streamline 3.0 beta. This is what I did. I unzipped it, ignored the "save your old .esp files" thing (I don't know why.), and then put it in there just like this. Looks like what they wanted, right?
I had to do it manually because of Oblivion Mod Manager.
I activated it and checkmarked the .esp in Oblivion Mod Manager. Then I tried x-ing it out in the Oblivion "Data" menu and then not x-ing it, because I'm pretty sure that the "X" means excluded. So where do I go from here? Is it working? I clicked control+home and the menu didn't come up. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.