At one point during the game where I had completed the mage guild quests, very proud to have earned my Archmage status and the cool chamber that came with it, I decided to start on the thieves guild quests, eager to finally learn the deal about the Gray Fox posters everywhere. The first few quests were all good fun, that is, until I got to the 'misdirection' quest.
Aghast with disbelief, cursing out loud, I realized I was to sneak into my own chambers, to steal the staff of the mage guild's previous top rank, a certain Archmage which was now was now dead or rather, reduced to a soul gem and to whom consequently, the chamber no longer belonged (MINE!! Damnit!)....I stopped playing for that whole day...and I never used my Archmage chamber again...ever...fearing some other gruesomely scripted menace might seperate me from all my hard earned loot. Instead, I moved to the waterfront district and learned exactly how much crap one can stuff in a single personal loot chest...miserable at loosing my ubber cool chamber atop the tower, I chose a miserable albeit convenient abode to reflect my inner sentiments.
P.S Fixing stuff like that would be swell.
P.P.S Everyone, feel free to comment
(more to come)