A Theory on Mounts...

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:07 am

Ok, so picture this.

A skill (not a skill, but a perk i guess. maybe even a dragon shout?) that allows you to "domesticate" any wild animal you find. You may have 1-3 at a time.
To give a example of this, hear is a little story...

As you walk threw the cold mountain forest, you come across what you have been searching days for. A signal, lone mammoth stands not stones throw away. ever so quietly, u sneak up behind it. and begin to pet it. You whisper two very distinctive words; "Doh kovail". Praying to Kenreth, knowing 85% chance the mammoth will turn and kill u where u stand. But as u pet, he dosent stike out, and you know he is yours. you bring him into town, children gocking at its size, and you out fit him with a riding box, armor, and a full set of saddle bags capable of carrying 5000 pounds of loot. A small fortune in itself, but ohhh so worth it. Apon its back, u guide it along the roads, stopping at dungeons, stacking up amazing riches. Yet, on your return to town to unload, you hear what is unmistakeably bandits in the trees. Spells in either hand, you hurl fire and lightning apon them, your mammoths trunk lashing out madly, but they are already out of your line of sight. Jumping from your mammoth's box, you lash out at the bandits, but its too late. As you mammoth falls, the last bandit goes down with it. You are stunned. There is no way you could even begin to carry 5,000 LBs all the way back to town. The box is smashed, armor dented but still salvageable, and bags completely in tact. Sighing, you take only armor and saddles, and begin hunting yet another mammoth...

Post your thoughts, and please don't just tell us all how much you hate mounts in general. we have heard enough.
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:22 am

I like the idea of more mount types, I would love to be able to have combat scenarios like that in your post from mounts, But to get one that could carry 5000lbs they would have to make it really difficult to tame, at least on certain beasts anyway. Overall a really good idea I think. ohhh riding a werebear ;) that was a joke don't kill me lore people
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:26 am

Horses*.... just saying
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:51 pm

I'll be totally honest, the idea for secret code words that might pacify a mammoth just doesn't work for me.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:13 am

This is a good idea kind of like a hunter in WoW. As long as they make them bearable to ride unlike in Oblivion.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:38 pm

Horses, (hand) carts, and horses and carts seems much better and easier to balance. 5000 lbs? What's up with people?
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:42 am

Great idea about the encumbrance and the Mammoth Whisperer concept!
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