Thanks for answering my questions.

Also on the extravagant_shirt_02: I think that the texture mapping may need some adjustment around the neck area (at least on the female one, I don't know about the male one). But if you compare vanilla ( to my screenshot here ( you'll see that the jacket doesn't act like it should. Here it wraps around the collar and doesn't match how wide it is below the... circle thing (whatever that is), but in vanilla, the jacket goes all the way around the collar the way you'd expect a tailcoat jacket to do.
That said, I do quite like how you modeled the collar and made it look like an actual collar instead of the blob we had in vanilla.

edit2: Also, this may be going beyond the scope of your mod, but since you're working on the clothes... nobody ever did a female version of the pants anyway, and certain parts of those pants looked scary on female characters.

The extravagant_pants_02 used to have awesome jodhpurs and exquisite_pants had a fine poofiness to them that no longer exists in the BC versions, which are just boring, straight pants. Sadly the vanilla version is disgustingly segmented, so there's really no winning. Would you mind terribly in making poofy versions of those where the pants have the fancy poofiness and/or jodhpurs to them, like in vanilla? (See: and