by SirTroy
- You can break an opponent with a successful powerattack the nose, that is making him dizzy for about 5 seconds. This time is necessary to perform the finisher.
- With a new power attack, which i make as a replacer can beat off the enemys helm . Only when you has done this, it is possible to break the enemy's nose.
- You can now disarm the enemy with a kick, making him stagger back, or push him back. The chance is depending on the players melee skill.
- A feature which for me is not yet clear to 100% , is a finisher when your opponent is on the ground. It should be a pretty hard kick that will kill the enemy if his life is low.
- There will be 4 finishers, all are depending from the player skills:
- Skill 25: The player performs a rotation and hit with his elbow to the throat of the opponent, who then falls to the ground gasping for breath.
- Skill 50: The player takes on the enemy in the stomach pit which suggest approximately a right angle with the torso and legs form and the player then went onto the head of the enemy from below.
- Skill 75: The player grab with his hands to the head of the enemy, and pressed them together, to break the head. I doesn't have a better idea for this finisher, so if you have a better idea, say it to me in this thread
- Skill 100: The player performs a rotation jump with a full rotation and then a stretched-kick to the head of the enemy.
- a sneak attack in which the player turns the head of the enemy
A short WIP Video of the Sneak attack (its in german but i think you can understand the content of the Video):
or on Rapidshare:
I'm sorry for bad english and hope you understand
