» Sat May 28, 2011 1:33 pm
I have only played Arktwend, so I can't compare to the other TC's, but I can say, that it is a great TC with a large world (technically larger than Morrowind) and a mainquest, which is better than Morrowind's own MQ. It does not have that many other quests though, so it's more linear. The scenery in Arktwend is much more impressive then Morrowind and the game is very stable (without any patches I only crashed once), and every bug has probably been cleared out by now by Golden Saint and John.Moonsugar. My only complaint is really that a lot of the imperial interiors are badly made, but that is a small complaint.
I think I played for almost 100 hours before finishing the mainquest (at lvl 27).
So I would definately recommand Arktwend.
A view of the scenery can be found on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_8DHFcoCP8