» Sat May 28, 2011 9:43 am
Magic is complicated, and healer is also very complex. Anybody read Wheel of Time? Doctors and Herbalists exist, and they do their share of work. But lets say you are infected, the first to help you is likely a herbalist. Unless you live close to the temple, etc. The herbalist servers two purposes:
*Keeping the patient alive
*Curing the patient
If you got a flu(atleast the norwegian weak version), a healer will only do someting if it bothers to. If you are ill however, its a different story. If you are ill, why sit in days in bed with herbs and medicine when the healer are capabel of curing you in 5 minutes? It is a dam good question. In most cases, the healer will happen before the doctors and herbalists. Simply because there is quite a few healers that is spread around the country.
In Wheel of Time, the Aes Sedai is either hiding, doing intriges, in the White tower, tracking down shadowspawn, killing each other, or lack the ability to heal. And very few trust Aes Sedai, they are way to manipulativ and powerfull. They even got their own spot in their folklore as being as corrupt and evil as the shadowspawn, alot of people fear them.
In Tamerial it is kind of different, the healers are spread out trough every minor city mostly. And the healers are not feared at all.