I had the same problem with Fallout 3 but a buddy found a way to help me. It had something to do with my processor. He told me that running a triple core was the problem, so he gave me some code that limited the game to using only 2. ( i have a triple core processor). We copy and pasted some code, but i can't remember where, and now my game very rarely crashes. It might crash once a week instead of every 15 minutes now

. but i just purchased operation anchorage and i'm having the same problem. i come out of the underground metro, kill a few mutants, then it just crashes. The game says nothing, but windows asks if i want to report the error. (of course, i always report it but never get any feedback as to what happened, stupid windows lol). any idea if it's the same problem as before? this is driving me crazy! :brokencomputer: