PlayGroup Stagger 0 perhaps?
EDIT: After testing the PlayGroup, it didn't work. So close but no cigar

Playgroup Stagger 0 will never work because the "0" variable tells the animation to play after ALL OTHER ANIMATIONS have ended which will never occur.
you have to use Playgroup Stagger 1 -> to force the anim to play no matter what other anims are currently playing.
You then have to use Playgroup Idle 0 to unlock the Players or NPC's controls that get locked up by Playgroup Stagger 1 -> this occurs when you call an animation group to play that does not exist like calling stagger to play while your weapon is not out -> you can of course prevent that behavior by just copy/paste of the H2HStagger and renaming the copy to just Stagger -> need to do it for both 1st and 3rd.