and for what its worth 64 bit vista
The name of the file you're looking for is
fallout.ini, and it is in your Documents\My Games\Fallout 3 folder. It should show up as File Type
Configuration settings, and has an icon that looks like a document with a gear on top of it. Open this file in Notepad, and do a search for the following line (use the
Find command located in the
Edit menu) -
bUseThreadedAI=0(it's located near the bottom of the first big block of code, but using the Find command will take you right to it).
Change that line to -
bUseThreadedAI=1and then hit Enter, creating a space just below that line. Insert the following line in that space -
iNumHWThreads=2Save the file (in Notepad, choose the Save As ... option, and then select the All Files (*.*) file type. Otherwise, Notepad saves it as a text file), and then exit.
What this change does is force Fallout 3 to run on only two of your three CPU cores - the game was written for dual cores and doesn't do well with more than two.