Champion of Skyrim! The man/woman who saved Tamriel once again! And none of us remember when you lit that building on fire and brutally killed it's inhabitants!
EDIT: Although I totally agree with the guy above me.
Heh, I always pretend that I was just a bandit like all those random bandits out in the wilderness constantly trying to kill you. We bandits are an oppressed peoples, you see, and the Empire discriminatorily locked me up simply because I was in a gang that killed travellers and stole their stuff. :tongue:
Anyway, don't bother replying to QA, he's obviously just a troll or somebody suffering from severe denial. His argument boils down to "Just because the narrator tells me I'm a prisoner, the guards tell me I'm a prisoner, Jiub tells me I'm a prisoner, the Emperor told me I'm a prisoner, and I'm in a Prison Boat does not mean I'm a prisoner... and just because I was captured by the villian and put into a prison cell does not mean I'm a prisoner either!"
Really though, the prison
er intro is the most wide-open and freeform there is. You can make up literally any reason you are there (ol' QA made up an elaborate one and now believes that that is the actual story and that Bethesda is wrong...) whereas waking up in a tavern or in a town automatically determines your status or home/family and whatever. Even going with a different intro for each race like DA isn't as freeform as prison, because you are still limited to a certain number of intros. If I was playing DA and wanted to play a poor human who was trying to make a life for himself, I didn't really get that choice. I had to be a noble's son or something, no ifs ands or buts. But in Oblivion and Morrowind, if I wanted to be a poor human trying to make a life for myself I could make up a story like I joined a gang or something just to get food but was arrested. That story only took a second to make up and there is nothing in the game telling me it's not true.