OOC: Oh, my bad, I did not see your smaller post, sorry about the wait

Alexander ScalattiThe performance was long over now, and most had filed back into the casino. Ann, John, and Alex were all sitting at Alex's personal table listening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4DTR0I7xhA
"So honey, how did you sleep?"
Ann yawned, "Not that great."
"I slept like a beast," John added in.
Then, the doors slammed open. Several well armed goons entered the casino. Most of the gamblers kept gambling, as this was a fairly normal thing.
"Alex, HOW DARE YOU?" Joey hissed "HOW DARE YOU DIP PEOPLE IN VATS!" He also added, "Alex, I demand you to step down from leader of Arcadia."
"Lemme handle this," Alex whispered to Ann and John. He silently put his chair back under the table, and pulled out a gun from his suit coat. He then jumped from the little niche his table was in and pointed the gun at the leader.
"Joey? What the [censored]?" Alex raised his voice, surprised, but kept his gun trained on Joey.