1. Argonian Agent
Name/Class: Two-Face / Agent
Race/Gender: Argonian / Male
Birthsign: The Warrior
Specialization: Stealth
Attributes: Agility, Strength
Major Skills: Alchemy, Illusion, Sneak, Athletics,
Light Armor, Blade, Block
Please note, all of these details are subject to change.
Although he does not know his birthname, and to potential employers calls himself Two-Face, to those who may not trust him based on name he calls himself Reeh-Kah, which just means Two-Face in Hist Language. He will get to a certain point in the Dark Brotherhood where you are given a mission by Lucien, but will progress no further than that. He will also assassinate all of the Mythic Dawn Agents who are hidden, as well as taking on private contracts.
2. Breton Healer
Name/Class: Elodianne / Healer
Race/Gender: Breton / Female
Birthsign: The Apprentice
Specialization: Magic
Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower
Major Skills: Restoration, Light Armor, Blunt, Blade,
Hand to Hand, Armorer, Heavy Armor
(Yes, Restoration is the only major that will be used)
Elodianne was a simple student of her mother's as a mage when she was killed and Elodianne was blamed for the death. When she wound up in the Imperial Prison, magic came to her fingertips and killed a rat. Feeling her horror at taking another creature's life, but knowing to get through the rest of the sewers she would need to kill, after she left she vowed never to kill another living thing, so she travels with a small band of adventurers and acts as both cleric and buffer to the team.