Errors After Reinstalling MCA

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:27 pm

I've was doing a bunch of reinstalling today, and among the things I installed was MCA 6.1. When I first used this mod I had no problems whatsoever. Now however, I get the following errors upon loading up the game.

Unable to find script 'mca_minstrels' on object '_MCA_minstrel_altmer_f'.
Unable to find script 'mca_minstrels' on object '_MCA_minstrel_bosmer_f'.
Unable to find script 'mca_minstrels' on object '_MCA_minstrel_breton_f'.
Unable to find script 'mca_minstrels' on object '_MCA_minstrel_dunmer_f'.
Unable to find script 'mca_minstrels' on object '_MCA_minstrel_imp_f'.
Unable to find script 'mca_minstrels' on object '_MCA_minstrel_nord_f'.
Unable to find script 'mca_minstrels' on object '_MCA_minstrel_redg_f'.
Unable to find script 'mca_colonists' on object '_MCA_colonist_imp_m'.
Unable to find script 'mca_colonists' on object '_MCA_colonist_imp_f'.
Unable to find script 'mca_colonists' on object '_MCA_colonist_dun_m'.
Unable to find script 'mca_colonists' on object '_MCA_colonist_dun_f'.
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_bosmer_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_bosmer_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_bosmer_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_bosmer_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_breton_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_breton_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_breton_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_breton_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_dunmer_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_dunmer_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_dunmer_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_dunmer_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_imperial_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_imperial_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_imperial_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_imperial_m".
Item "_MCA_wigs_imperial_m_noleaves" not found on "_MCA_rogue_imperial_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_khajiit_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_helmet_open" not found on "_MCA_rogue_khajiit_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_khajiit_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_khajiit_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_helmet_open" not found on "_MCA_rogue_khajiit_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_khajiit_m".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_mage_altmer_f".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_mage_altmer_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_redguard_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_redguard_f".
Item "_MCA_rogue_shield" not found on "_MCA_rogue_redguard_m".
Item "_MCA_rogue_gauntlets" not found on "_MCA_rogue_redguard_m".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_commoner_alt_f".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_commoner_alt_m".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_imp_m2".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_altmer_f".
Item "_MCA_telvanni_robe" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_altmer_f".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_altmer_m".
Item "_MCA_telvanni_robe" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_altmer_m".
Item "_MCA_telvanni_robe" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_bosmer_f".
Item "_MCA_telvanni_robe" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_bosmer_m".
Item "_MCA_telvanni_robe" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_breton_m".
Item "_MCA_telvanni_robe" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_breton_f".
Item "_MCA_telvanni_robe" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_dunmer_m".
Item "_MCA_telvanni_robe" not found on "_MCA_telvanni_dunmer_f".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_merchant_altmer_m".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_merchant_altmer_f".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_bard_altmer_m".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_altmer_m".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_bard_altmer_f".
Item "_MCA_minstrel_skirt" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_altmer_f".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_altmer_f".
Item "_MCA_minstrel_skirt" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_bosmer_f".
Item "_MCA_minstrel_skirt" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_breton_f".
Item "_MCA_minstrel_skirt" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_dunmer_f".
Item "_MCA_minstrel_skirt" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_imp_f".
Item "_MCA_minstrel_skirt" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_nord_f".
Item "_MCA_minstrel_skirt" not found on "_MCA_minstrel_redg_f".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_dunmer_m2".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_imp_f2".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_dunmer_f2".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_expensive" not found on "_MCA_noble_dunmer_f4".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_expensive" not found on "_MCA_noble_dunmer_m4".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_expensive" not found on "_MCA_noble_imp_f4".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_breton_f2".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_expensive" not found on "_MCA_noble_breton_f4".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_m".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_nord_f2".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_expensive" not found on "_MCA_noble_nord_f4".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_redguard_f2".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_expensive" not found on "_MCA_noble_redguard_f4".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_bosmer_f2".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_expensive" not found on "_MCA_noble_bosmer_f4".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_extravagant" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_f2".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_f2".
Item "_MCA_noble_gloves_expensive" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_f4".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_f4".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_f5".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_f3".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_f6".
Item "_MCA_masks_altmer" not found on "_MCA_noble_altmer_f1".

My mod list is as follows.

Masters for Tester0000.ess:
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esm
005 Morrowind Patch v1.6.5-BETA.esm
006 abotWaterLife.esm
007 Better Heads.esm
008 Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
009 Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
010 GDR_MasterFile.esm
011 Texture Fix 1.8.esm
012 MW_Children_1_0.esm
013 MCA.esm
014 LCV Schedule Markers.esp (Version -02)
015 NPC LCV Schedules 03.esp (Version 03-13)
016 WeatheredSigns.esp
017 Lgnpc_SN.esp (Version 0.31)
018 Moreclasses_0605.esp
019 Passive_Healthy_Wildlife.esp
020 LeFemmArmor.esp
021 LGNPC_NoLore_v0_83.esp (Version 0.83)
022 AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0.esp
023 VGreetings-Hit.esp
024 AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp
025 VGreetings-Thief.esp
026 AV_female_armor.esp
027 AV_fem_armor_Trib.esp
028 NPC LCV Locks.esp
029 VGreetings-Flee.esp
030 VGreetings-Idle.esp
031 VGreetings-Attack.esp
032 VGreetings.esp
033 Disease.esp
034 Less Annoying Guards - Tribunal and Bloodmoon.esp
035 P.R.E. v4.0.esp
036 Better Bodies.esp
037 Nymeria's Monthly Respawn.esp
038 Grave Goods.esp
039 MWE_Combat.esp
040 MWE_Base.esp
041 Windows Glow.esp
042 BetterBooks_AlchFormfix.esp
043 Haunted Tombs v1.06.esp (Version 1.06)
044 Quick Char.esp (Version 1.2)
045 EcoAdjDaedricDrops.esp
046 Healing.esp
047 horationpcenhanced12-bm.esp
048 Pelagiad Fix.esp
049 IceNioLivRobeReplacerPLUS.esp
050 DB Armor Reducer.esp
051 Mixed Guards 2.esp
052 KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_1.3.esp (Version 1.3)
053 Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.esp (Version 1.2)
054 LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_10.esp (Version 1.10)
055 LGNPC_MaarGan_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20)
056 LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20)
057 DN-GDRv1_NOM.esp (Version 1)
058 Westly's Master Headpack X.esp
059 LGNPC_HlaOad_v1_32.esp (Version 1.32)
060 Creatures.esp
061 Go To Jail 3.5 - T B - MCA - NOM.esp
062 Improved Gold Weight.esp
063 LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20)
064 LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20_suppl.esp
065 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_22.esp (Version 1.22)
066 LGNPC_TelMora_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20)
067 LGNPC_Khuul_v2_10.esp (Version 2.10)
068 Corean_Hair_in_Morrowind.esp
069 LGNPC_VivecFQ_v2_10.esp (Version 2.10)
070 LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20)
071 LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp (Version 1.30)
072 LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp (Version 1.51)
073 LGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_50.esp (Version 1.50)
074 Less_Generic_Nerevarine.esp (Version 1.21)
075 LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20)
076 LGNPC_SoulSicknessPatch_v1_00.esp (Version 1.00)
077 Bloated Caves.esp
078 Graphic Herbalism.esp
079 Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp
080 It's me, you idiot.esp
081 EcoAdjMerchantSkills (Disposition Edit).esp
082 EcoAdjCrime (Tresspass Edit).esp
083 New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp
084 New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp
085 Less_Generic_Tribunal.esp
086 almalexia armor.esp
087 Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp
088 BTB - Spells.esp
089 BTB - Alchemy.esp
090 BTB - Equipment.esp
091 BTB - Settings.esp
092 GCDWhittleUb.esp
093 FemaleEbonyCuirass_TB.ESP
094 FemaleGlassCuirass.ESP
095 FemaleDaedricCuirass.ESP
096 FemaleDragonscaleCuirass.ESP
097 NoM_Creatures Loot PHW.esp
098 FemaleLordsMail_TB.esp
099 MCA - Guards Patch.ESP
100 Hold it - replacer.esp
101 Hold it - NOM addon.esp
102 Hold it - MCA addon.esp
103 Hold it - COM addon.ESP
104 Hold it - resource.esp
105 NoM_CoM Compatibility Patch.esp
106 Water Level Fix - Full.esp
107 NOM 3.0.esp (Version 3.00)
108 Better Clothes_v1.1 (BTB Edit).esp
109 Service_Requirements_V1.4.3 (BTB Edit).esp
110 What Thieves Guild.ESP
111 Little Secrets.ESP
112 BB Dark Brotherhood by Westly.esp
113 TLM - Complete.esp
114 WA_SoulGems(!).esp
115 UniqueFinery_NoRobe.esp
116 BTB - Character.esp
117 Mashed Lists.esp

I've tried reinstalling MCA again, but to no effect. I would appreciate it if anyone can give me any advice on how to fix this mess.
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Phillip Brunyee
Posts: 3510
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:35 am

Try regenerating your 'Mashed Lists' file. Looks like your game is searching for leveled lists that are from an older version of MCA.
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Alyce Argabright
Posts: 3403
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:35 pm

I did a bit of investigating, and I think I've narrowed the problem down to "Hold it - MCA addon.esp" (in the sense that I don't get error messages with this mod off), and I'm going to guess it has something to do with been made to work with an older version of MCA.
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Tina Tupou
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