» Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:01 pm
I just thought about this.
I haven't released any mods for Morrowind yet, and I'm not sure if any of the two mods I'm working on will ever be finished, so I can't really answer this for myself. But I did think about planning a large questmod, which would be ready to be constructed, when Skyrim is released, but then probably not, since I can't create it all anyway.
I know this topic also came up, when Oblivion was released (eventhough that was before I started playing Morrwoind) and Morrowind survived, eventhough I can't tell how much impact it had on Morrowind modding eventually. People usually says, that Morrowind will live forever, because it survived Oblivion. But Morrowind and Oblivion provides a different gaming experience and most people here prefere Morrowind, because they see Oblivion as an inferior game, which is technically better, but are lacking in gameplay and immersion.
But if Bethesda in Skyrim adresses the issues people have with Oblivion, which I have reason to think they do, since the staff are actively seeking comments on the game in the Skyrim forum, then we would have a game with modern graphics, a better engine and the strenghts of Morrowind, and in that case, I think the Morrowind Modders will move to Skyrim.
Last time I looked at the Fallout modding forum, I saw that the oldest posts on page 1 was a week old, which tells me, the Fallout3 modding has almost stopped after the release of Fallout Las Vegas, which I believe is very similar to Fallout3, so it seems that people will move on, if the new game is good enough.
This is of cause guesswork, since I don't know, if Bethesda will make what morrowinders want, and if the CS will be good enough, but my guess to both questions is yes, eventhough they peobably also will look at what they think the casual players want.