I have bought the Fallout 3 game of the year, but something strange happened to my character so I am hoping someone here can explain what I should do. I am only at the beginning of the game so I do not want to continue playing until I have this "issue" resolved somehow...
OK, here goes:
I did my homework and read a walkthrough on how to set up my character. In the walkthrough it was said that Luck is not as important as in older Fallout games ( i played Fallout and Fallout2 so i know how important Luck was then and how important was NOT to have any of the SPECIAL stats at value of 1).
Since it was said this is not an issue anymore, i though I should take a Luck of 1, since if I cannot talk my way out of trouble (no Luck needed) i will fight it out ( Luck needed but not so much as gun skills anyway).
So, my character had a Luck of 1 but pretty high other stats, with Charisma at 3 points. I wanted to offset this by tagging "Speech" skill...I figured, if I have high enough speech, low Charisma and even lower Luck will not matter...so i met Silver and when I wanted to push her for more money i had (Speech 31%) option..since my speech was at 35% i figured I am sure to win here..but that conversation option FAILED!! much to my surprise. So, i reloaded and tried again..same happened...i went on and talked with Sheriff in Megaton..again i tried talking into having more money to disarm the A-bomb (500 caps instead of 100)...speech needed was 21% so i thought i will win this with breeze since I had 35% to speech already..but again I failed!! After several reloads i managed to succeed...then with Mr. Burke same thing happened, 19% speech needed but failed with 35%...I realized that something must be wrong and suspected that me having a Luck of only 1 might have to do something with it....
So I loaded back before exiting the vault and put one more point to Luck ( Charisma was at 2 now and Luck at 2 as well)...I again talked with Silver and succeeded..talked with sheriff and succeeded...talked with Burke and failed!!
So now I was totally confused....what was I doing wrong here??
So,please, can you tell me if having a Luck of only 1 will affect my speech, even if I have high enough percentage to succeed at speech?
Is it better to have CHA and LCK at 2 then CHA at 3 and LCK at 1?
Is it some kind of bug in the game( very unlikely I suspect)?
Basically, i want to know why I failed at speech option when every time I had (much) higher speech percentage than needed to succeed??
Thank you for reading and thank for any help!