IIRC Fallout Overhaul Kit 2 the 1.1 (or was it 1.2?) comes with EVE and MMM.
Also what else does it come with?
EVE is fully integrated into FOOK2 v1.1 beta+ (newest version) but MMM is stand-alone so you'll want to DL it separately note that there is not a current a compatibility patch 4-26). All of the included mods are listed in the aforementioned thread, so that's where you can get a better idea about what it includes.
And I know that Fallout Overhaul Kit 2 adds new weapon and armor and makes the texture better. What else does it do? Also is it compatiable with Enclave Commander because that mod is sick.
Yeah, FOOK adds tons of new gear. When you've got it installed, you can check out the QA containers to check it all out if you want. I'm not certain about Enclave Commander, but IIRC, there were issues between it and stand-alone Phalanx. Considering FOOK now includes Phalanx, it might be that Enclave Commander and FOOK2 won't play nicely without a patch. As for what FOOK does, also check out the options menu detailed in the opening post linked by barretsfloyd, thanks) as a BB code list. Many of its features are optional and/or configurable, so a good portion of the answer to your question depends upon what you want it to do.

My last question is I really liked the Bullet Time Slow and Sprinting Mod and Alternative Start and Weapon Mod Kit. Is it compatiable with the mod?
If you take the time to read it and answer my questions thank you so much.
TLDR: Reinstalling FO3 with Fallout Overhaul Kit 2. Bunch of questions.
Bullet Time and the Sprint Mod should be fully compatible, however alt-start isn't at the moment without http://www.mediafire.com/?o40xzoolujk, but you would still miss out on some content added to the character generation phase of the game. I'll probably just sh1ftcan the check for menu access in the near future so alt-start won't be a problem in the future.