Oblivion's snow sounded like s slush and not the squeak I am speaking of. I haven't heard the actual sound anywhere but in Alaska but I'm sure folks in Finland and Iceland have an idea of what I am speaking of. Oblivion did not get it right, that's for sure. That was some lower 48 snow walking for sure.
Finland agrees that Oblivion did it totally wrong.
Though this person in Finland also disagrees about the snow-squeak being nice. It's one of the few tolerable aspects of winter, but I wouldn't say it's
nice. Nothing about winter is
nice. Let's see... you got the subzero temperatures, the freezing winds, the snow, the ice, the slipperiness, the constant darkness. Especially the last one. I can't handle seeing only about two hours of daylight in the winter, and compared to the Finnish summers the dark winters only seem worse - in the winter, we only see a few hours of sunlight (or not at all, waaaay up North) and in the summer, we only have a few hours of darkness.
I much prefer the latter. I hate winter. Why the hell do I live in Finland?