» Tue May 03, 2011 10:10 am
If you go here https://rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net/wp_mailer/ and then look for domain rethan-manor.net, you can try e-mailing the owner who I'm guessing is Jeremy McGuinn. I don't really feel like sending a mail though, sorry. FYI I found this website by doing a whois lookup and then going through tucows. If someone wants to try e-mailing maybe only a single person should do it.
>Perhaps someone will attempt to recreate them based on the screenshots one day.
If you search for Morrowind Total War, you will see some of the missing knights in screenshots. But this is a different game - Total War. I'm not sure if the models are really Jeremy's or simply recreated versions of them. They do credit Jeremy for his textures. Unfortunately, a lot of this stuff is in Russian so it's hard to figure out.