So I have a question. I'm primarily a roleplayer, and in Oblivion I would only carry what I felt was a reasonable amount of goods for my character to carry. This would come down to one or two weapons, one set of armor, food and medical supplies, and a few small assorted objects such as stones or keys. I really, really want to do this in Fallout. I really hate carrying around enough weapons to equip a small army. It really breaks immersion for me. Preferably I'd like to study small guns and explosives and carry two to three small guns and grenades. The problem though is that I am having a hard time finding enough of a specific ammo to make this possible. So I end up carry every weapon I find in hopes I don't run out of firepower at a critical moment. Am I doing something wrong, or is this the way it has to be? I really hope it is the former, because I'd really like to scale down my inventory to a realistic amount.
You said you are only at level five. Don't worry, once you start leveling up and discovering more places, you'll get more ammo. And yes more powerful.