Anyway my girlfriend got referred to this one website by a friend and now I am actually using it too. The site is called It's totally free (although I am sure they are making money by selling off some of the data to research firms, but you will have to read through the privacy policy and check because I am just guessing. Personally I could care less since you don't have to enter anything sensitive like your name anyway).
The awesome thing about this website is that you are able make a diet/exercise calendar so you can enter all the food you ate for the day, and any physical activity you did (sleeping and deskwork count too!). You pick your activity level, how much weight you want to gain/lose a week, and it will give you an RDI (recommended calorie intake).
So everyday you just simply enter all that and you can see how many calories you under/over consumed. Then once a week, or whenever, you can weight yourself and see if you are losing/gaining what the site says you should be if you are following the guide. If you aren't then it can be further adjusted to take that into account.
I have ALWAYS wanted something like this, cause sometimes I think to myself "I wonder if I should eat that..." but I really had no idea what my calorie intake for the day was. Well now that I am using this, I know when I should say no, and when it is okay to have a snack of some kind, and more importantly what I SHOULDN'T be eating, lol.
I have only been using it for 3 days and it has already started changing my diet habits. It's utterly amazing how many calories somethings have in them that you don't even think about.
I think the fact that I am always checking on myself too by doing this is a really good motivator.
Anyways, if anyone else is using this site or has heard about it, let me know what you think, or if you know of any other sites that are along the same lines.
Also, the user interface is VERY nice and user friendly (for the most part). As someone who programs GUI's on occasions this is something that is wonderful to see.
EDIT: Damn, I always forget to spellcheck the title. Can someone fix that please?