It is good to have an Engineer, NullChampion. We need more of those. ^_^
However, I think with Brink, you may never know exactly what to be until you put it into your hands and see all of the different abilities and....possibilities!
Like I thought there is going to be a lot of people trying to stick to one class because they have it more upgraded than others this is starting to resemble battlefield bad company even more now to me and one class I think is going to end up being overused.Medic seems to be a fav on this form and most are light and medium but op I think will be a fav for most new players.Personally I am going to try and toss around all the types because like in battlefield they are all useful. But I think the soldier will be the least fav out of all of them.This could cause problems.If one class is overused it could cause the entire team to fail.This game is about teamwork and if you are choosing one class solely because its your most upgraded then that could ultimately cause your team to lose the game.
I'll be using Soldier as a secondary class. Do I get a cookie? ^_^
I'm personally glad theres lots of people wanting to be medics. Helps keep the team alive.
Edit: Oh snap, 2nd star!
Are there lots of medics in other multiplayer FPS games? I heard that medics are rare in most mulitplayer games, but in a couple of games (was it Killzone 2/3 and Battlefield:BC2?), combat medics are becoming more common?
Oh, yeah, you go, Italian Devil! You are earning your stars, aren't you, man!