I believe Blizzard developed a game called Starcraft: Ghost that was a Starcraft FPS/Stealth game, but never released it because it wasn't up to snuff.
Yes, I know. But I didn't like what I saw, you played as a sixy, female ghost in a really slimed outfit (http://www.videogamesblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/starcraft-ghost-nova-big.jpg is NOT my style.) I always hate playing games with female characters pictured like that, I like what DICE did in Mirror's Edge, for example, they didn't put tight hotpants on her and gave her huge boobs. I like the women in Fallout 3/NV aswell, they don't have an huge ass (although I'm an ass person irl) and boobs, and only the girls at the Gomorrah dress "sixy" which I understand since it's their job.
In Ghost, would you be able to play marines or firebats? Because I would like to do that. And wasn't Ghost 3rd Person? I'mma check up on it again.
And BTW, Boradam, I don't play much Starcraft at all

I played alot a really long time ago, then I was somewhat interested in Starcraft II as it was announced, but the trailers put me off, I didn't like the characters, the new armor, and Jim Raynor looks nothing like I imagined him

So I haven't got Starcraft II yet, I will sometime though.