Dark Secret

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:33 am

By the time William plucks up the courage to go downstairs the sun is rising...

He pushes open the door with Tipsey... Slowly he beguins to climb down the stairs, his footsteps are VERY loud in his damaged power armour.

He calls out ahead of him.
"Hello? Raider, Slaver, Mutant, Enclave?"

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:23 am

Trent was the last one up, and the last one out the door. As he was about to join the others, he heard footsteps still within the house. He looked ahead and noticed that everyone was all there ... so who was still in the house? Trent grabbed his shotgun from his back and headed quietly through the front door.

"Hello? Raider, Slaver, Mutant, Enclave?" Before replying, Trent kicked himself for not checking the entire house when he should have. "There's nobody here but us chickens!" joked Trent, wondering what the stranger's next move would be. Trent heard more footsteps, his ears told him they were coming from the stairs, which was right around the corner from where he was. He leaned up against the wall and gripped his shotgun tightly.

"Listen, my name is Trent, I came from Vault 55 with some others. We mean you no harm, but if you mean us some, we'll be happy to oblidge you." Trent waited in silence for a response.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:18 pm

The responce came with the sound of two dogs, walking down the stairs wagging their tails rubbing up against Trent...
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carley moss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:28 pm

Startled a bit by his new canine companions, Trent kept his attention on the stranger. He wasn't above muttering "Good doggies." as he waited, however, so he did so.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:54 am

Willaim wondered whether they where telling the truth, I suppose if they whernt atleast his power armour might scare they abit... or stop... maybe 1 bullet?

"Ok, well.... Look I just dont wanna fight oright?"

Suddenly the old creeky staircase gave way bellow Williams feet and all of a sudden he was waste down in the 1st floor of the house just his body, arms and head showing... Still grasping the minigun in his hads although in an awkward possition it was pointing at the roof.

"**** there are alot of you... My names dike..."
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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 am

Waiting for what would happen next, Trent heard what sounded like something falling through the floor. Alert and cautious, he peeked around the corner to see the man's head and arms visible, and nothing more than his minigun, which was pointing up at the roof.

Trying to hold back a laugh, Trent made his way to him as he heard him announce his name. "Nice ... nice to meet you, dike. I'll be back, I'm going to go get some help to pull you out of there." He noticed dike was in some heavy armor, and knew he couldn't lift him alone. Trent made his way past the dogs and left the house to seek some help.
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John Moore
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