Well, to be fair and balanced, although I do agree, there are some issues with some of this.
Namely, for me (and a lot of people) it's hard to say "No" to anything but the best. You don't want to go with a $700 computer because it seems kind of el-cheapo. That's where a lot of these "consoles all the way" people get their ideas about PC gaming. Yes, even a $700 PC will be superior to the consoles these days. But you have to think about monitor resolution namely. I have a 27" monitor. To render games in native resolution I would be pushing a whopping 4x the pixels, at least. Some console games render in sub-720p because the consoles can't handle it at that, even. Of course I would have a 4x better looking image, and 4x the resolution (ability to resolve detail I mean, not screen resolution). Then that means you probably have to have a GPU that is 4x as powerful as what is in current consoles. My case is an extreme one, and you don't *have* to render in native res, but a lot of the ideology behind PC gaming is that you're doing it because it's superior, and it's hard to settle for anything less than maxed-out.
I know if I got a PC for Skyrim, it would be a $3000 extravaganza. Including two SSDs, and possibly SLI/CrossfireX. Even if initially it wasn't worth it for Skyrim, I'd be preparing for a wealth of visual- and content-enhancing mods. And this brings me to my next point.
At the very least, we've got to commend Bethesda for dedicating the time to releasing their internal editor for us. That's huge. We can assume with an editor available we will still have the capability to override and add assets. I'm making this assumption for the rest but I could be wrong. Like Oblivion, we will have a wealth of not only visual enhancements but content enhancements. Some things like Better Cities are both, and it even optionally "opens" the cities which can be an amazing experience. But in contrast to Oblivion, I suspect with the engine improvements, like object culling in Fallout 3, and so on, that even consoles will have much better visuals. The engine improvements would in addition realistically let modders replace actual meshes with higher poly ones, and things like texture upgrades will have less of a performance impact because the engine won't be working so hard to render hidden geometry. It was very hard to upgrade the look of the meshes in Oblivion because it was so bogged down from poor occlusion culling.
Which is why things like RAEVWD and related mods absolutely killed performance. RAEVWD was actually a compromise because of the terrible framerates. But in Skyrim I expect they will have a proper culling system in place (even better than FO3's), and thus things that aren't actually visible won't be rendered. This then opens us up to the possibility of a "true" (RA)EVWD mod with little compromise. And of course things like Better Cities will just blow people out of the water when they get made. Because in Oblivion you have Better Cities but it may render at 15 FPS for lots of people, but with proper culling a similar city mod should stay capped at 30/60FPS easily, depending on the layout of the city, of course. There were also AI issues with some mods, but let's just hope they've fixed the non-rendering part of the engine too. I know Fallout 3 performed much better.
Anyway, your other points...
The video examples all go against your points. The Ruby video was supposedly 2 of those cards in Crossfire, but it looked like a pre-rendered raytracing demo to me. Someone said the same thing in the comments. *shrug* The Image Metrics video is probably also pre-rendered, they say nothing about it being on a realtime GPU. Better examples would be Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noir which use the same technology, and again that kind of goes against what you were saying because those are on consoles.
Now, generally, I don't disagree with you. I want a superior PC experience. And I'm hoping they enhance the PC version. They at least had some enhancements in Oblivion. You say the textures were the same resolution, yes, but they sure look much worse on Xbox, even before 2-16xAF. Then there were at least all kinds of sliders and settings for graphics enhancement. Like turning way more water reflections on in the INI, grass/object/NPC distance, even loading more cells around you for less of the awful looking LOD.