I believe the mushrooms are called emperor parasols or something, so if you find a name similar to that in the mesh folder you should be able to delete it.
I do like them, it was the shininess that I couldn't live with. Little did I know there was a fix for that in the code patch.
and you use them without the morrowind code patch as you should. that's why the texture looks odd, i think.
Apply the "bump/reflection maps" fix from the Code Patch and the mushrooms will look normal.
This is clearly explained on the page you downloaded the mod from, and in the ReadMe file.

I deserved that, sometimes I move pretty quick through the modding to get to the playing.
There are people out there not playing with the code patch yet? Crazy folk...
I use it! And I did have the bump/reflection map fix checked... but I re-applied the code patch and the issue is indeed fixed. Thanks everyone.
as for the canton, could it be something to do with MGEs distant statics settings?
I wish I knew which one. I've been playing around with static sizes and pretty much all of the distant land settings, with no effect. The only other similar issue is with some trees- the leaves pop in similar to that canton. I haven't noticed any other issue with distant land or view distance.