Is it worth using the Intense training perk every time you level up to get to get all of your SPECIAL stats to 10?
I have been using Intense training every time I level up to try to get them all to 10. Is this worth doing? Does it make a significant difference?
It's not worth it in my opinion. :shrug: I've fielded many, many characters. Only one all powerful god-like wreaker of destruction. It got boring. I could kill anything and everything, carry 1000 missiles, etc. I tend to field average to below-average characters in terms of SPECIAL, and create self-imposed rules regarding playstyle, inventory management, etc. Even at level 30, I should feel like I'm still at level 5. At least that's what I shoot for anyway. The feeling that I could die at any moment, rather than just walking in the front door and laying down the law.