You know, i was kind of disapointed when i finished new vegas. i thought that i would get to play in the "new" vegas cuz i took over the strip and the vegas, and i could've you know boss around the securitrons and would be the "dictator" of the vegas area and new vegas was a little too similar to fallout 3, exept for the new area, the vegas! vegas was a great discision for the newest fallout, but i was kind hoping for a bigger change to game play style, like multiplayer. and i really think that the next fallout should absoluetly have a online feature, and that you could smoke and you would get drunk when you drink and the NEXT CITY should absoluetly be NEW YORK CITY, MIAMI, OR MAYBE AN FOREIGN COUNTRY, LIKE PARIS OR LONDON OR CHINA. i'm just a one man, i can't decide the following fallout games location, but damn i wish i could, you know i really think that i have GREAT ideas and could make the game PERFECT!
im not asking to be the boss of the design but you know i have to share this with someone and my friends ′don't care about fallout so i cant tell them. i think also that it would be nice to have fallout game that takes place BEFORE tha great war, u know like 2070-2077 u know to be there watching the world falling apart or do a lot of work for some foundations (like NCR in new vegas) that you could gain there trust and become the head of that foundation and take over the city and maybe the country by tricking the people to think that its a good thing to do, or that you could travel to a different city and take over that too for example. travel woulds be very nice and interesting change from earlier games, and a few little changes too would be nice. thanx for reading

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