» Fri May 13, 2011 1:53 pm
I really hope you guys at bethesda will keep the game enjoyable after the release. Moding Oblivion was one of the reason is still play it even now. I hope they come up a cool editor for the game. Where you can modify model animations, add new meshes, add new textures, make ingame scripted sequences and more. I also hope that you guys at bethesda also won`t just slap a "it`s ready for consoles, lets port to pc and it`s done" sticker onto it. I really want to see the game benefit of todays hardware technologies. I know that making games using more complex models, higher resoloution textures and technologies that can not be used on todays consoles, can be a big financial and time consuming matter. But please do not forget we all started playing your games on the PC and saw your games evolve over the time. It`s sad that most of the big game developer studios jump on the console bandwagon due to various reasons which i understand fully. Epic Games, Id Software, Crytec, Blizzard(now looking for developers for a diablo III console version of some sort). PC Games have stayed stagnent when it comes to actually using todays hardware. Today you can play most games with a 2-3 year old GFX Card without any issues at maximum settings. Graphics are definetly not everything, but it adds to gameplay experience. Good example for Games that went wrong. FFXIII Great graphics Bad Gameplay. I`m counting on you Bethesda to fill in the gap that makes PC`s so unique. Your Games have always kept me hooked and hope it won`t change. Good luck guys!