The region is divided into two waring sides: Thunderstorm Alliance and Pegasus. The war ended 40 years ago, by a Thunderstorm hero Thurosan sacrifising himself to destroy nearby Pegasus forces. Despite the sacrifise and big impact on Pegasus amies, they were not driven out, but now maintain control on most of Thunderstorm terriotry. Thunderstorm faction is weak, for most of their heroes died duringthe war. It's pretty much peacful now but it is all about to change, when people of Goldwheat village are tired of slavery and create a rebellion, destroying all Pegasus forces in their city. A young, unimportant man is sent to the Thunderstorm capital with intelligence on enemy. The enemy is about to attack remaining Thunderstorm cities and destroy the faction, acquiring control of the region. The road will be complicated and full of action the young boy had never even dreamed of.
That's a quick insight on the beginning of the story.
The Island is not too big (around 30 Exterior cells). I'm moving slow, considering I'm doing it all alone. Will have to learn to model better aswell.

Take a look on these three vids. Not the masterpiece, but will provide you with enough insight on main Ts cities. Serves as a major mining village in a hard-to-reach position. Provides TS faction with most rock and metal resources Serves as the capital of TS faction. Serves as the main port of TS faction and frontier defense, as it is built right next to the border with Pegasus faction
-Chriss =]