I've been in the shadows for a while, observing whats been going on here and deciding what to do... and i've got an idea.... so roll with me on this if you will.
I want to make a sequel to my RP some of you may remember called ColdHarbour which takes place in Molag Bal's realm. but this time it isn't a remake but as i like to say "ColdHarbour 2" seeing as when i remade it; it didn't last much longer than the original...
but this time i have a clever idea but will need to state it to you all in advance to get myself and the RP prepared....
It all starts because i want to try my hand at writing a FanFic and have decided to base it one MY surviving characters in the previous makes of coldharbour
but i won't reveal the plot just yet as that would be defeatist
My Idea Is....
to start with a fan fic so i can introduce the setting/plot and my characters and the initial "mission" or "goal" so to speak
after a few "chapters" i would like to SLOWLY transform it into an RP by allowing one or two of you into my story with your own characters at a time
the reason being is because i find in personal experience that whenever i make an RP a get a mass influx of rpers and chars who all try to get themselves settled and introduce themselves at once and kind of...
lets say, imagine putting wood on a fire, one log at a time the flame grows and becomes stronger....... now imagine chucking all the wood on at once... u would most likely snuff it out.
anyways... the point of doing this is so that it allows the story to progress and develop at a more reasonable and explorative pace, and so that at any one time we will have players who are very settled in their character and will be able to help when the time comes to introduce more characters and help intergrate them into the group without having to explain their own backstory or actions because we already know alot about them etc..
in essence it will go
Fanfic > 2-3 person RP > 4-5 person RP and so on until we have a good amount of people (not too many but just enough)
this also means that by the time we get to the meaty part of the story where alot of RP's start we all already know each other and know how to work together and will be more effective in doing what needs to be done because we wont have to juggle so much initial char development in with the action (although of course there will still be some of that) ((and dont read me wrong in thinking that it will be a hell load of travelling and talking then suddenly lots of battle scenes, thats not at all what i mean))
i like to call my idea a Progressive Fiction Roleplay because it sounds smart and i am not

but yeh, i've told my idea to two fellow RPer's on here who both like the sound of it and are willing to join
at the moment i am still writing the Fan Fiction and fine tuning my writing so this is more something to think about while im doing my shtuff
please feel free to give me any opinions, criticisms or questions you may have about what im planning on doing
oh and btw did i mention i svck at explaining things?