The mod I'm working on is called Black Horse Courier Expanded in which I aim to write more articles that concern the whole Empire. And so I want to write articles about the current situations in some provinces of the Empire. I know that in Oblivion, the NPCs talk a lot about these. I do not have access to Oblivion for about a week or two, so I'll take that time to do some research and get some help.

The events that I can remember by memory occuring during the Oblivon timeline are these :
Pre-Oblivion Invasion :
- Skyrim invades western Morrowind along with Orc mercenaries.
- House Hlaalu and House Dres take what is left of the ruined House Indoril. (I wonder how they do it? Warfare or diplomacy?)
- Nords are attempting to capture Solstheim and remove the Imperial force at Fort Frostmoth. (Is it the Skaal that does this, or is it Skyrim itself?)
- Imperial Legion regiments removed from Fort Swampmoth in Black Marsh. (Rumored to be because of increased jungle hostility)
- Daedric magic becoming more and more popular in the Summerset Isles.
- The Nerevarine has gone on an expedition to Akavir and has not been heard from since.
- Slavery abolished in Morrowind by King Helseth.
During the Oblivion invasion :
- Ald'Ruhn is destroyed. St-Jiub is dead.
- Vivec is rumored to be taken captive by the Daedra.
- Argonians are called back to Black Marsh to help the Hist trees with the Oblivion invasion.
Those are the only ones I can remember. Can any of you help me by answering my questions above and write down other provincial events I'm not aware of?
Also, if other events occuring in the timeline of Morrowind are still taking place in 3E433, please tell me.

Thanks a LOT!