I'm in need of information about 3E433 events

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:47 pm

For an upcoming Oblivion mod of mine, I'm in need of some lore information. :)
The mod I'm working on is called Black Horse Courier Expanded in which I aim to write more articles that concern the whole Empire. And so I want to write articles about the current situations in some provinces of the Empire. I know that in Oblivion, the NPCs talk a lot about these. I do not have access to Oblivion for about a week or two, so I'll take that time to do some research and get some help. :) I checked the UESP timeline but didn't find anything about it.

The events that I can remember by memory occuring during the Oblivon timeline are these :

Pre-Oblivion Invasion :
- Skyrim invades western Morrowind along with Orc mercenaries.
- House Hlaalu and House Dres take what is left of the ruined House Indoril. (I wonder how they do it? Warfare or diplomacy?)
- Nords are attempting to capture Solstheim and remove the Imperial force at Fort Frostmoth. (Is it the Skaal that does this, or is it Skyrim itself?)
- Imperial Legion regiments removed from Fort Swampmoth in Black Marsh. (Rumored to be because of increased jungle hostility)
- Daedric magic becoming more and more popular in the Summerset Isles.
- The Nerevarine has gone on an expedition to Akavir and has not been heard from since.
- Slavery abolished in Morrowind by King Helseth.

During the Oblivion invasion :

- Ald'Ruhn is destroyed. St-Jiub is dead.
- Vivec is rumored to be taken captive by the Daedra.
- Argonians are called back to Black Marsh to help the Hist trees with the Oblivion invasion.

Those are the only ones I can remember. Can any of you help me by answering my questions above and write down other provincial events I'm not aware of?
Also, if other events occuring in the timeline of Morrowind are still taking place in 3E433, please tell me. :)

Thanks a LOT!
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:30 pm

Read the 3rd Edition of the Pocket Guide to the Empire over at the Imperial Library.

There's LOTS in there, pre-Crisis stuff.

Another one from dialogue is that a "syndicate of wizards has boycotted Imperial trade in the land of the Altmer [Summerset Isles)."
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:23 pm

Actually, it's:

"I hear House Redoran is at war with the Nords of Skyrim"

Where did you hear they were at war with the Indoril?
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:41 pm

There's also the Argonians being "called back" to Black Marsh. This was explained to be the Hist preparing to kick some Daedra butts - and they did, too.
Though I doubt that would be common knowledge, or even availiable for "outsiders".

Could this be the reason for abandoning the Legion abandoning the fort? Increased hostile activities inside the jungle.
Don't remember if there was any official reason, though.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:58 am

Read the 3rd Edition of the Pocket Guide to the Empire over at the Imperial Library.

There's LOTS in there, pre-Crisis stuff.

Another one from dialogue is that a "syndicate of wizards has boycotted Imperial trade in the land of the Altmer [Summerset Isles)."

Oh yes I forgot about the Pocket Guide. I have it since it came with the Oblivion's Collector's Edition.
Thanks for that info about the syndicate of wizards.

Actually, it's:

"I hear House Redoran is at war with the Nords of Skyrim"

Where did you hear they were at war with the Indoril?

If I recall correctly, there are two dialogs for the Skyrim invasion. One is what you said, the other sounds like : "I heard the Nords of Skyrim have invaded western Morrowind with orcish mercenaries. Together they take what's left of ruined House Indoril."

There's also the Argonians being "called back" to Black Marsh. This was explained to be the Hist preparing to kick some Daedra butts - and they did, too.
Though I doubt that would be common knowledge, or even availiable for "outsiders".

Hmm yes that may be related to the Legions being recalled. And I do remember hearing the NPCs talking about this in the game, I believe.

Big thanks for these infos people! :)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:07 pm

Its not possible for the Nords to be taking Indoril land in western Morrowind, because Indoril has NO LAND in western Morrowind :P The rumor is for certain Redoran, their the only House that shares a border with Skyrim and have long been the traditional deffenders of Morrowind against the Nords.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:01 am

Unless what they're saying is they're invading western Morrowind, with the stated goal of later taking what's left of Indoril's holdings (be it housing in Vivec, or to destroy them entirely).
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Abi Emily
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:16 pm

If I recall correctly, there are two dialogs for the Skyrim invasion. One is what you said, the other sounds like : "I heard the Nords of Skyrim have invaded western Morrowind with orcish mercenaries. Together they take what's left of ruined House Indoril."

House Dres and House hlaalu are picking apart the carcass of house indoril.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:03 pm

Ironic considering Indoril and Dres's previous ties, but I suppose that's the consequence of remaining ultra conservative/religious in a quickly secularizing liberal nation.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:18 am

House Dres and House hlaalu are picking apart the carcass of house indoril.

Ahh yes that's the one! Wonder why I thought it was Skyrim instead of House Dres. :P
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:13 pm

Mmm... intersting! Seems like I have to add the info in the TIL Tamriel Tamline.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:23 pm

I've updated the list with the changes done with the discussions we got.
I do wonder how House Hlaalu and House Dres are taking what's left of House Indoril. Since Hlaalu is concerned, I wonder if they use bribery, diplomacy and black mail to do it.

Mmm... intersting! Seems like I have to add the info in the TIL Tamriel Tamline.

I'm glad we could help you with that. :)
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Marguerite Dabrin
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