No matter what, it would be nice to be able to summon creatures. It could be somewhat like the soul gems. You could be able to summon a creature once you have captured one. Would that really be so really devoted fan rage inducing bad?
Yes. You don't stuff the whole creature in that soulgem, you know. It's only its soul :teehee:
Summon a ghost or something from a soulgem? 'Kay, could fit with lore -- but the whole creature, flesh and all? Nah, man.
As mentioned earlier, the creature summoned has to be in some Realm you can open a portal/whatever to and drag it into this dimension. It would probably have to be whole for that - not just a soul.
.... But, and don't read this because it's stupid, it could perhaps be possible to stash some pets in Oblivion somewhere to be to your disposition later :turned: