First off... the Cliff Racers weren't exterminated, they were 'Exterminated from Morrowind'... as in, those which were not killed, were driven off from the island. It'd be pretty damn hard for Jiub alone to have wiped out the entirety of the species. And due to the 'comical' nature of the comment, I would highly suspect that there may not be a great deal of truth to the rumors of their destruction there even.
Dragons and Bank, dive, take off, do barrel rolles, and generally be an all time a**kicking beast of all time in the sky.
And you want Cliffracers to have the same abilities? oh lawd.
see in Morrowind they made good target practice, weren't generally hard to shoot down, and predicatble.
and Skyrims flying physics You want Cliffracers....
[edit:] This post does not apply to anyone who wants new creatures, and just doesn't want time spent on restoring and improving old ones. You folks have a fair opinion, and a well reasoned one. I can accept that. It's the mindless hate I oppose.
Sign me up, as if they weren't a bane of the sky enough, now post Oblivion users will see the real reasons why
This is precisely the kind of thing that spurred the argument in the first place! This isn't logical or reasoned out thinking... this is... well... I lack words to adequately describe what -this- is... but I can barely read it, anyways. So moving along...
In Morrowind, Cliff Racers were portrayed as the dumbest, most suicidal creatures in the entirety of Nirn... and the fact that they weren't all wiped out in one kamikaze charge against Balmora must have been an act of the Nine.
This is -precisely- the reason we should want them back.
Because other than that there were too many spawns for them throughout Morrowind, and that they attacked you if they so much as glimpsed you from a cell's length away... we don't actually know a damn THING about cliff racers. They're aggressive and territorial. They are resiliant. They live in the mountains, and like to soar along through the valleys to hunt for prey. They may be predatorial... or hell... they may just be territorial... it's not really ever been discussed -why- they are so aggressive.
But sure. Let's all jump on the ignorance bandwagon and hate them.
After all, that's what the cool kids are doing, right?
No wait... all the cool kids are claiming that anyone who -likes- things from Morrowind obviously only does it because that's what the "cool kids" are doing.
Wow... gotta love the paradox, there.
[edit]: This post does not apply to anyone who does not want cliff racers because they would prefer new creatures. This post merely opposes those who mindlessly hate them, and the people who propagate this hatred for their own petty reasons. These are the ones I condemn, not those with explanations which actually make any kind of sense beyond: "Boo-hoo... there were so many of them, and I died. The end." [end edit]