So.. is it 100% certain we won't see any more Daedric gates

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:04 pm

Basically we've got chaos in Skyrim, civil war is tearing the land apart. Then somewhere soon Alduin/Akatosh & dragons return. Okay, that's a lot of chaos..

But can we say for certain that we won't be facing any major Daedra powers soon? Maybe some secret Daedric plan?
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John N
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:59 am

you will see as many oblivion gates as you did in morrow wind, maybe even less :P
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:34 am

I doubt that Daedra will be the main antagonists of the game. They'll be present, but they won't be actively working against us.

Well, Mehrunes Dagon might be. His interests seem to conflict with everyone else's quite often.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:05 pm

Surely, we'll see lesser Daedra in Skyrim, and I hope we'll still be able to visit Daedric Prince shrines and do quests for them. Probably will.

But as for a major Daedra plotline, no.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:23 pm

Daedra would be most likely in game, but at the level of presence they had in Morrowind - mages can still summon them, worshipers still have connection to the princes, and in some places they would most likely guard things like treasure :) But full scale invasions and devious plans? That we did put a stop to, so no visiting Oblivion for us.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:24 pm

Martin's sacrifice prevented daedric invasions, but so far as I know summoning is still a possibility.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:00 pm

Daedra would be most likely in game, but at the level of presence they had in Morrowind - mages can still summon them, worshipers still have connection to the princes, and in some places they would most likely guard thins like treasure :) But full scale invasions and devious plans? That wee did put a stop to, so no visiting Oblivion for us.

I can't help feeling Mehrunes Dagon feels totally angered (if he wasn't already) and really wants to bash the dragons, especially Akatosh, himself personally. It might sound strange, but I just get that feeling.

He'll probably will use any chance he gets to cause even more disaster. But, I guess that's probably unlikely.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:46 pm

I believe that Skyrim is one of the places in Daggerfall that had a cave that you could reach Oblivion without use of a gate.Maybe wrong but I think it was a place that the normal barrier(Pre Martin) was thinner.

Also Alduin is one of the Aedra so the Daedric princes will prolly oppose him for GP if nothing else.Heck They might even be on our side.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:56 am

There are certain summoning days, if I recall, where Daedric princes could visit the mortal world if summoned. I know Dagon did a few times in some Skyrim-Alduin-related lore. You also meet Hircine in Morrowind, who could travel to Tamriel on the Bloodmoon. You also spoke to Azura after defeating Dagoth Ur.

There will not be Oblivion gates like we're used to. The Oblivion crisis is over. But there may still be ways to the Daedric realms, ones that aren't Dagon's even, as Shivering Isles has shown. There are other ways of reaching Oblivion than Oblivion gates too. I believe Divayth Fyr can teleport at will. In the Infernal City, a unique case, there can be "bubbles" of Oblivion, a small pocket of Oblivion that floats around on Mundus, even though it remains in its own dimension. Oblivion (the place) will always be a part of the game lore, and just because the feature game Oblivion is done doesn't mean that we've seen the last of the planes of Oblivion. They just won't be the center of the plot, nor will they be as prevalent.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:42 pm

I can't help feeling Mehrunes Dagon feels totally angered (if he wasn't already) and really wants to bash the dragons, especially Akatosh, himself personally. It might sound strange, but I just get that feeling.

He'll probably will use any chance he gets to cause even more disaster. But, I guess that's probably unlikely.

He may be, but it woun't make a big difference to him if he kicks Akatosh in the errrrmm... Neck, during this crisis or after Alduin eats the world - Dagon can entertain himself with looking at how everything plays out and than go and bit the winner :)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:40 am

I think we can probably assume we won't be seeing Oblivion gates in Skyrim, after the end of Oblivion, the gates all closed, and if they open again, I doubt it will be soon, do you really think Bethesda is going to reuse the exact same premise two games in a row, especially when there's already another conflict for the main quest, without even changing the exact identity of the invaders?

Now, I have no doubt we'll see Daedra, they've been present well before Oblivion, and I doubt they'd fail to be afterwards. but they certainly won't be our main enemies. Most likely, they'll be handled like in Morrowind, where you could summon them, and they'd spawn in some locations. They were present in the world, but not as the main enemy, and the only interactions with Daedric Princes themselves would be through shrine quests. Actually, that wasn't the only involvement of Daedric Princes, since Azura spoke to you a few times during Morrowind's main quest, and Hircine was involved in Bloodmoons, but regardless, for the most part, they didn't have the same central focus as in Oblivion. We certainly won't see a full scale Daedric invasion.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:22 am

You know there's actually very little that is '100% certain' about Skyrim. A lot if it is speculation and assumption

But, that said, I'd say that chances of their being gates is close to zero. Expect to see a few Daedric Shrines, maybe in ruins, and presumably the possibility of summoning a daedra via a conjuration spell or scroll
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:22 am

I can't help feeling Mehrunes Dagon feels totally angered (if he wasn't already) and really wants to bash the dragons, especially Akatosh, himself personally. It might sound strange, but I just get that feeling.

He'll probably will use any chance he gets to cause even more disaster. But, I guess that's probably unlikely.

He's supposed to be sealed away forever now. Maybe Aakatosh could summon him?
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:34 pm

He's supposed to be sealed away forever now. Maybe Aakatosh could summon him?

Like, using him as a tool? That could make sense. Mehrunes Dagon has been used as a tool before.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:13 pm

Seeing a few ruined Oblivion gates might be a possibility. After all, in the Infernal City, several ruins were mentioned, a city was even build around one.

But active gates? No. Martin shut the barrier between Mundus and Oblivion shut, it can only be pierced under certain conditions (like summoning).
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:11 am

Basically we've got chaos in Skyrim, civil war is tearing the land apart. Then somewhere soon Alduin/Akatosh & dragons return. Okay, that's a lot of chaos..

But can we say for certain that we won't be facing any major Daedra powers soon? Maybe some secret Daedric plan?

Probably in an expansion, not the main game.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:42 pm

Who says that Dagon is sealed away for good? When Daedra die on the mortal plane, they just return where they came from and take some time to recover, I would say that's also true for daedra lords.

Well, then the Daedra just need a way to enter this world. What is keeping the Daedra from opening gates all over the world now? Akatosh/Martin?

Played through Oblivion, but never understood this.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:20 am

The void that links Nirn to Oblivion through the Daedric gates was closed by the end of Oblivion's storyline. Though that does not mean Daedra activity will be totally cut off in Nirn at all. I expect to see some Daedric Princes quests, a few Daedra enemies but other than that, they won't play any major role.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:20 am

Who says that Dagon is sealed away for good? When Daedra die on the mortal plane, they just return where they came from and take some time to recover, I would say that's also true for daedra lords.

Well, then the Daedra just need a way to enter this world. What is keeping the Daedra from opening gates all over the world now? Akatosh/Martin?

Played through Oblivion, but never understood this.

At the creation of the Empire, Akatosh gave them the Dragonfire. That protected them from the forces of Oblivion. It did not prevent Daedra from interacting with the normal world, but it restricted their ability to, say, spawn a bunch of gates and go back and forth at will. In Oblivion's storyline, the fires went out at the death of the Emperor. Martin was supposed to relight them, which would end the crisis, but instead he shattered the Amulet of kings to banish Mehrunes Dagon and create the same level of protection as before. Daedra have always been able to travel to Tamriel, usually with the help of summoners, but I suppose that their access is restricted to an extent.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:34 pm

Hircine or it didn't happen
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:16 pm

Plus, I think most Daedra lords are generous enough to not want to attempt to destroy Nirn. I mean, the Oblivion crisis was the perfect time for all the other big honchos to come out, but only Dagon came out.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:20 am

We will definitely see some daedra. Probably not as the main antagonists this time, but I can (almost) guarantee that we will see Dremora, Atronachs, ect.

Probably some daedric quests. I'll bet that Hircine will probably have a sizable side quest.
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