Priest Classes

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:34 pm

I actually have no idea how I would play, set up, or roleplay a priest class in Morrowind, let alone any other game. I was wondering if you could help me out by answering some of my questions?

Is a priest class meant to be used in combat or is that a variation of a priest?

What weapons do they use (if any at all)?

What type of magic, spells, etc do they use?

What's their purpose?

Is it an interesting class to play?

Is it a powerful class?

How would I go about setting up a custom priest class in morrowind (what attributes etc)?

Thanks for the help
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:20 pm

The priests at the chapels are not fur combat, but you could make a priest character that is based around healing and giving themselves bonuses. To make one, I think this would be a good build

Race: Altmer/Breton
Birthsign: The Mage
Attributes: Intelligence and Willpower
Major Skills: Restoration, alteration, mysticism, destruction, alchemy
Minor skills: Illusion, blunt, enchant, conjurgation and unarmored
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:25 pm

Guess the question is: What kind of priest?
A priest of Talos might know how to use a sword, a priest of Dibella is less likely to - but some still do.

I'd look up the requirements and favored skills of the cults in Morrowind in the UESP, and have a look at the lore/Daggerfall articles regarding religion.

A priests job is taking care of the believers, maintaining the temples/shrines etc, and of course following the favoured way of life fitting their god.
For some gods that might not be too interesting for gameplay. After all, a priests job is 90% talking, meditating etc, and those things can't be properly done in Morrowind.
So you'd have to be specialised on other things, such as healing magic, alchemy or something, or maybe even on combat to fight for your god(s) and, for example, make it your goal to get rid of daedra, to solve all criminal cases you can get your hands on, or maybe even to steal and trade, sacrificing your profit to Zenithar.
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evelina c
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:59 pm

Hmmmm ok. Not that I really played WoW (excuse me for comparing WoW to MW!!!!) but I know they have a Shadow Priest class which is used for dealing damage. Is there anything like that in TES or is that going against most of it's lore?

Also, what's with them using blunt weapons (other than the staff) such as hammers? I'm not really sure where I'm getting that idea from.

I should probably do some research on my own, but I'm just curious.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:39 pm

Of course there are combatants associated to these cults. For the Tribunal Temple, that'd mainly be the Ordinators and the respective guards of the great houses. For the Cult of the Nine, each church would have it's own guard I assume - but I don't know how many of those members qualify as priests.

And I don't think you can compare it to WoW classes. A priest is someone who works for a temple/church/cult/whatever, mainly taking care of the temple and those visiting it; of course they don't just lazily sit around there, and I'd not be surprised if some of them, depending on the god(s) they serve, would be fighters of sorts. For example, you could create a character who is a strong believer in Almalexia, seeks a high rank (i.e. seeks to become a priest or higher) in the Tribunal Temple and sees his purpose in serving Almalexia by defeating her enemies. He might have a problem during the Tribunal expansion, but ya, that adds to the character^^
Or work for the Imperial Cult, Talos for example would fit for someone who wants to fight as I said. It all comes down to your personal preferences and the background of the religion. Just have a look at the gods there are and pick something that fits your character idea.
Think of a way you could serve your god and his/her followers best, and base your character around that.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:37 am

Let's get your definitions straight people.

What is a priest? A is
A religious clergyman who is trained to perform services or sacrifices at a church or temple.

So a religious dude following one of the Aedra or Daedric Princes could be anyone. A spellcaster, a cartographer, a fighter. They would just also perform a service for their faction.

To get ideas, look at TESIII's Temple faction, or read about the Aedra factions in Daggerfall on UESP (whenever it decides to stop having internet problems...).

I don't really view "priest" as a character class. It's more like being a faction member, not a defined set of skills. =/
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:07 am

I don't really view "priest" as a character class. It's more like being a faction member, not a defined set of skills. =/

I don't really either, but they've been in RPGs/ARPGs for a long time now. Ya know, the stereotypical warrior of good and light, wielding a mace and ready to smite down with zealous wrath the enemies of his God, etc..
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:43 am

I imagine a priest is H2H with restoration. I've made an Orc Shaman who centered around Restoration for both offense and defense. Works fairly well.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:18 pm

I don't really either, but they've been in RPGs/ARPGs for a long time now. Ya know, the stereotypical warrior of good and light, wielding a mace and ready to smite down with zealous wrath the enemies of his God, etc..

I thought that was the "Cleric" class. Which can be good, evil, or neutral in the DnD world. Paladins are lawful stupid.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:47 pm

I don't really view "priest" as a character class. It's more like being a faction member, not a defined set of skills. =/

Tell that to the Monks, who are apparently ALL members of the Church of Hairless Martial Arts.

To answer the question, priest/cleric classes in fantasy games typically either take the role of generic healer, or are defined by which deity they worship (a warlike god resulting in warrior-priests, etc). Often they use blunt weapons as a result of some strange rule against shedding blood that has no problem with crushing skulls. In most cases they're support classes, healing and buffing/debuffing. Not an easy choice for roleplaying in Morrowind or Oblivion, as neither has much in the way of parties or religious interaction.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:23 am

I realize that a Priest isn't normally a fighter, but I guess what I was asking was if there was a type of "Holy Mage" (if you will). Which means I wasn't quite thinking hahaha, that's up to me to mold my mage into a follower of a God.

When I say a "Priest Class" I mean the stereotypical MMO Priest character (IE. WoW, NWN, DnD) that has some different type of magic then a mage.

Once again, I wasn't really thinking this one through. Morrowind's classes are based around the same group of attributes, but they each have a separate combination. Slapping the title "Priest" on a custom class isn't going to get me a different set of spells or magic.

Thanks for the input though, it made me see the light ;)
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:00 pm

A Morrowind race/sign/attribute/skill-set I would recommend-

Race: Breton or Altmer

Sign: The Mage

Attributes: Intelligence and Willpower

Major Skills: Restoration, Conjuration, Alteration, Alchemy, Illusion
Minor Skills: Blunt, Unarmored, Destruction, Mysticism, Athletics
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:31 pm

I thought that was the "Cleric" class. Which can be good, evil, or neutral in the DnD world. Paladins are lawful stupid.

I've seen it called a number of things, both cleric and priest included. Regardless, it's typically just a class that blends melee with magic, albeit, 'holy' magic (whether that's 'good holy' magic or 'evil holy' magic depends). That said, if you were going for making a custom class in Morrowind based around that idea, I'd just suggest to choose some obvious choices like restoration and blunt weapon and fill the rest of the slots up with skills that you think you'd like or that would add to the image you have of the class.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:11 pm

I hope there is a priest class in V. A scheming, manipulative priesthood in limbo with the nobility. That's good tv.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:13 am

If you're really just into roleplay, Morrowind has an NPC Priest class by default. Here's what it looks like:

Race: Any, really, but to be a priest of Almsivi you'd need to be a Dunmer
Specialization: Magic
Attributes: Willpower, Personality
Major Skills:
  • Restoration
  • Mysticism
  • Alteration
  • Blunt Weapon
  • Unarmored

Minor Skills
  • Conjuration
  • Speechcraft
  • Light Armor
  • Alchemy
  • Destruction

You know, that actually doesn't make for a half-bad class. The light armor is rather unnecessary, but otherwise it looks good.
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liz barnes
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:50 am

Be a Priest of Ebonarm, God of War. Or perhaps a Priest of Sithis or Anu? Priest of Syrabane? You could effectively be a priest of any god with most any character. Syrabane is the god of warlocks (mage-priests), Ebonarm would have warrior priests, priests of Baan Dar (the bandit god) would have stealthy priests.

You can be a priest of most gods if you delve into the lore.
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