Dragon shouts and perks -on a heavily reduced number of skills- are more content? hardly . Dual yielding should be in since their first game , correcting a mistake is nothing like adding stuff .
I like how the guy who cannot into rpgs said "it is in the lore" , yeah nords can shout but dark elfs can not , eh and no i dont wanna be either dragonborn or hawkee .
There is not "cheating" in single player games , OB's leveling system was not the best but it was up to us to exploit it or not , Looks like the devs are up to take even more choices away from us .
You have to look TES games history , since daggerfal they are turning into less rpgs and more like streamlined shooters to amuse their teenager crowd . worm82075 are you reading the news ? it is recession and everyone is cutting costs , did you look on the released screenshot ? besides all the new technology and stuff it still looks like 2006's OB !
The question that lies is what makes a good rpg ? i think first of all is writing and Beth's writing was always mediocre at best , then to have multiple ways to solve quests and so far i have not read anything to this direction , third to have as many skills as possible to built many diverse characters and try things from a different angle and the third part is crippled because attributes , classes and skills are removed .
I have not play FO3 (or NV) but in most rpg boards they are both rated as bad rpgs - and this is the main reason i didn't bought any of them.