If you havent already read the GameInformer website article about Dragon Shouts you can check it out http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2011/01/20/skyrim-s-dragon-shouts.aspx
Dragon shouts are spells that are incredibly powerful, and are collected by killing dragons and absorbing their souls. You attain words, which eventually piece together to make a full shout. There are over 20 shouts, all of which you can collect throughout the game.
I have one major concern with this, because it will mean (for example) a stealth character will have a few stealth shouts, but also, 15 other (magic or combat) shouts which are useless to him because they dont suit his playstyle.
I think the solution to this would be customizable shouts which utilize words as effects, and can combine 3 words to make your own shout which complements your very own playstyle.
You kill a dragon, and get to choose one word to steal, you steal a word which means FROST in dragonspeak. You now have a low level (one-word) dragon shout, which causes a frost damage effect.
You kill another dragon, this time stealing a word that means STEALTH. You combine FROST and STEALTH to make a shout which (just an example) makes you invisible while causing a massive cloud of frost damage.
You kill your third and final dragon, taking a word meaning DAGGER, completing your very own shout of FROST, STEALTH, DAGGER, which now makes you invisible, causes frost damage, and buffs your skill with a dagger.
I think this would promote complete customization, without superfluous shouts which you don't use.
Then again, this is only an idea, and I have full faith that the system Bethesda employs for Dragon Shouts will be awesome.