It all depends what you want in your game. Personally I found FWE is a bit too FPS-like for me (when I first tried it many versions ago), and I could not find a mod that made the game more balanced, and the Wasteland harsher, while making the the role-playing aspects a greater factor in how your game played out. So I created my, which does all three.
Unlike FWE, I designed my mod to work with many other mods . . . specifically the ones on my, so it tends to be more compatible (I'm currently using about 100 mods in my own game).
This is why I don't need a game menu, as you just activate the esps that you want . . . depending on how hard-core you want your game to be. This allowed me to keep things more balanced for both styles of gameplay. And then you further customize your game by adding other mods to use with my overhaul (as long as they are compatible . . . and a LOT are).
My Overhaul is also extremely easy to install (and uninstall), since it only contains 3 esps . . . there are no textures, meshes, esms, or any other files involved. My goal was to focus ONLY on gameplay, and to make the game as balanced as possible (which also makes the game much more hard-core . . . and survival will now require much more strategy). Even though my overhaul may look small, it also changes a TON of stuff (it alters over 1300 records).
Agreed for FWE. It adds the stuff I like from Arwen's as well. Also, I like turning the sneak back to it's vanilla settings; it's too hard to sneak in F3 even at higher skill levels that I can't comprehend why they raised the difficulty.
The only thing that FWE adds from my Realism Tweaks is an old version of my old Smarter AI module, which included my old sneak changes. My Smarter AI module has undergone a LOT of changes since then, and it is now integrated into my Realism Core module, which also includes my dynamic stealth script, which alters detection distance, based on time of day, weather conditions, and whether your character is inside or outside. My mod does not make sneaking more difficult . . . it makes it more realistic. If you actually use stealth tactics, you will be much harder to detect than in the default game.