NOW, to the issue. I have been playing for about an hour or so now (total game time) and just have been checking around the game and admiring the wonderful scenery and all. The game has been fine and working since that one freeze at the beginning in which I had to restart at. Afterward I ran off outside the vault and went on my merry way for about an hour or so without a freeze. I went to Megaton and all and pranced happily around that region of the wastes for a bit. Again, no freezing, no frame rate slowing down, I went to multiple different inside and outside locations, not to mention there was virtually no loading time between switching of locations. I swear, I would walk into megaton for the first time and it was if I just opened a door and walked right through. I didn't even see the loading screen. (Mind you I hadn't done the quad-core fix at this point yet, I had no reason or need to, nor had I uninstalled it at all).
Well, I have my fun messing around outside and I feel finished and satisfied. I wander over to the super duper mart for moria and it's on my way over to GNR anyway so I stopped by. I walk in and there's a raider there I get in a tussle with. I take him down no problemo. Walk in the side area where the food storage fridge is and everything's fine. Get to the back of the store, start a fight and bam, first freeze.
Doesn't bother me so I go back in with the auto save I just used. Well, this time I avoid the first encounter and go to the food storage area, no freeze. On my way out that door the raiders from the back must have noticed me and initiated combat. Killed them, looked to the back, started shooting at a dude with a lazer and BAM freeze again.
Now, reload same auto save, do a different work around of the store, running all the way to the back first. Got in a fight with a few and killed them easily. Seemed like everything was okay and shot at a girl with my pistol and BAM another freeze.
I try the quadcore fix. Go back in, load the auto save, get in a fight with the same girl after killing other guys, BAM this time it's an utter crash, not a freeze. I get pushed out the game and it says that the program has stopped working.
ANY FIXES YO? Kinda peeved that everything was grand up until now, and seeing as I waited 12 hours for this game to finish downloading, I'd appreciate it if I could have a fix soon so I can resume my spring break fallout escapades.