He says in that tut "The location and rotation of the NonAccum bone is same as character's location and rotation in game." Doesn't say what the game numbers are though, so maybe this is contributing to the problem.
that actually makes perfect sense. but its not quite right.
what he really means to say is you will want to accumulate certain transforms if you are doing an animate in motion type anim. so basically those transforms are kept on the bip01 bone, and are not passed onto the nonaccum. the games wants to see that any X and Y translations, ie location forward/backwards of the skeleton in an animation are accumulated. The nonaccum should contain only the rotations and the z translation.
but you aren't doing animate in motion so you should have zeros.
I have vague recollections of blender anim exporting fubaring the pelvis bone rotations, so the character is doing some contortion or something. I remember there are solutions as well. I just never payed any attention.