» Fri May 13, 2011 7:14 am
Name: Raven Miridus Vladmirius
Race: Imperial
Gender: Female
Birthsign: The Warrior
Favorite attributes: Endurance and Stealth
Specialization: Combat & Hand to Hand
Main skills: Single-handed (long blade), dual-wield, destruction, light armor, stealth
Minor Skills: Athletics, acrobatics(Will merged into one, I hear), sneak and marksmanship.
Factions: Order of Cyrodilic Vampires. Former Dark Brotherhood, but still a remnant of the Crimson Scars.
Occupation: Masqurading as an Imperial nobleman
Philosophy: Power is knowledge. Power is all. The weak deserve to die, the way of the universe deems it so. Everyone is expendeble and everyone can be a useful pawn. To be a wise leader, first you must gain control over yourself, then an individual, then a group of individuals....then be part of the circle of those who has the most power in the world. Evil is a point of view, vampirism is about strength and glorifying inner power.
Behaviour: Comes off as a very friendly individual to most. But only her fellow family members knows how deceitful and manipulative she can be. Raven often gains power and advancement by expending others to her dominion, which sometimes can result in even death. Being a master manipulator, she often plays both sides of a single conflict to suit her needs. A dvour follower of Molag bal and Clavicus Vile, she harbors a fatal hatred for any other clan not of Cyrodilic bloodline.