Granted, my ability to read between the lines is quite thin, so take all of this with a grain of salt. Also, the search engine didn't give too much, but I may have been phrasing things wrong. I'm sorry if I missed any of this in other threads.
1. Most important to me, has anyone, anywhere, mentioned specifically the issue of monsters leveling with the PC. Like in Oblivion. I sincerely hope this is not the case. The article made it sound like enemies did NOT level with the player, but it was never specified.
2. Guilds. Any word on this? I saw the things that Bethesda is borrowing from the Gothic series (and wherever they may have got it from.) regarding cooking, crafting, etc. This sounded less like Fable jobs to me, and more like the german fantasy titles, where its more of a 'for fun and relaxation with a few benefits' my sister seems to think its more like Fable, and you earn money for doing small time jobs. This may be two questions, I'm not sure.
Well, thats about it. I'm REALLY excited about V, since I LOVE Conan style dark fantasy. This, plus the more organic combat, sprinting, and menu system has me really excited. Is it November yet?