It makes sense to me that characters that have higher agility, athletics etc should be capable of more efficient types of movement and additional abilities phisically.
I was wondering about a system similar to SMART, being introduced for characters with high levels in these stats, possibly as perks that have been mentioned. After all Beth is publishing Brink, the movement looks good even though i know there isn't the same terrain to navigate, it could be a great addition for agile characters. This is how i would imagine a Bosmer and Khajit to move anyway, and the current system only makes you move faster and jump higher, its a little lame.
A stealthy assassin type character should have the ability to use the terrain to his advantage to get to hiding/assassination points. While a warrior type character may want to battle his way over a bridge, a wood elf archer type may want to pick up speed and scour a wall.
I think this type of addition would add to the game play experience as i believe climbing is back in (er.. not sure if it is though). This would also mean that no more floating cam perspective, you would need to see your hands, body, feet etc from 1st person view.
What do you all think, is the game ready to move on with its character physics? Is this the right way to go? Are you happy as it is? I just believe that there is a lot of room for improvement in this area at the moment.
Appologies if this is a repeat thread..