» Fri May 13, 2011 5:15 pm
i liked the improvements obsidian made as far as, more quests, more dialogue, more weapons, reputation system and skill/perk/special system, but the setting for NV isn't the best for a post apocalyptic game, the desert? there isn't much there, i want a city to fight and explore in, even better than was done in FO3, but any idea of the game being set in alaska or the desert doesn't work for me, there needs to be a large city, one to rummage through, explore, fight enemies in, as far as new vegas goes, there weren't really any good buildings to explore at all, nothing like was in FO3, the statesman hotel, the capitol building, lob enterprises, the roosovelt academy, red racer factory, the national archives, and on and on, plus the metro tunnels and cave systems were pretty big and fun to explore, and FO4 will have all of that, cause bethesda is into exploring, unlike obsidian, obsidian is more story and dialogue type stuff, bethesda is more exploration and combat. which is what i prefer.